Chapter 31

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My consciousness swirled into existence, greeted by a throbbing pain in my head. My eyes, reluctant to open, yielded only a blurry vision of three indistinct figures engaged in conversation. The distant murmur of voices reached my ears, but the words were elusive, slipping through the fog of my disoriented mind.

Desperation surged as I attempted to move, only to discover the cruel reality of my situation. Panic set in as I realized my body was suspended, limbs dangling in a disoriented ballet of vulnerability. A gasp caught in my throat as I comprehended the full extent of my helplessness.My eyes strained against the heaviness, struggling to focus on my surroundings. Through the haze, the realization struck – I was utterly exposed, stripped of any cloth. My cheeks burned with shame.

One of the figures, discerning my consciousness, detached from the hushed conversation and approached my hanging form. My heart raced as my eyes, still adjusting, locked onto the looming presence drawing nearer. Fear knotted my stomach.

The man's features remained obscured in the dim light. My chest tightened, my breaths shallow and rapid. I tried to speak, but my voice remained trapped in the silent prison of my pain.As the figure loomed closer, my vision gradually sharpened. 

A cold realization settled – my ordeal had not ended in the forest. It had merely transformed, assuming a new, grotesque form. 

The man in the blue suit approached with a menacing grin. My eyes widened as I felt a vice-like grip on my face, his fingers digging into my skin. I squirmed, desperate to break free, but his hold remained unyielding.

"Take a look, boys!" he called out, his voice a blend of mockery and satisfaction. The two others, their faces concealed in the black cloth, emerged and joined him. They eyed me from head to toe, their lustful stare heating my body with humiliation and terror.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a little plaything," one of the men with a hidden face sneered, his voice thick with lascivious intent. My panic escalated, mind racing in a whirlwind of fear. 

"I can see you're feeling scared. I can make you feel up," their laughter boomed in the space.

 "She is a slut," a man in a blue suit remarked, rubbing his finger on his bottom lip. I felt nauseous, wishing to drift back into unconsciousness. 

"But, she is beautiful," a man with a covered face spoke, holding his arms on his chest.

As one of the masked men advanced, my instincts screamed for escape. The man in the blue suit, reveling in my torment, signaled for my release. With a malicious chuckle, he motioned for the faceless man to unshackle me.

The moment my body hit the ground, I felt a rush of pain, both physical and emotional. Scrambling backward, I instinctively shielded myself with trembling hands. Tears streamed down my face, a silent testament to my anguish. The cruel laughter of them reverberated in my ears, intensifying the nightmare I found myself trapped in.

Alone, naked, and battered, fear gripped my heart, and the desperate question of Logan's whereabouts lingered. The shadows of the room seemed to stretch endlessly. "P...Please, just leave me alone! I..I haven't done any...anything to you!" My voice wavered, choked with horror.

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