Chapter 7

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My heart raced as I sprinted home, the ominous message from that psycho replaying in my mind. The cold wind bit at my skin as I fumbled with my keys, urgency guiding my every move. Unlocking the door in haste, I half-expected chaos upon entering, but to my immense relief, the apartment embraced me in a serene, reassuring darkness.

Tiptoeing to Zola's room, I watched the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, confirming her blissful slumber, untouched by the turmoil engulfing my life. The air in the apartment hung heavy with the weight of recent events, and my eyes anxiously scanned the surroundings for any sign of intrusion. All seemed undisturbed, except for the cacophony of racing thoughts in my mind.

Entering my room, a sudden chill caught my attention, and my gaze fixated on the bed. A black box sat stark against the white sheets, a mysterious gift that held both curiosity and fear in its elegant exterior. Hesitating for a moment, my fingers trembled as I reached for the box, my eyes darting around the room for any trace of his presence.

Opening the box unraveled a USB drive and a card with haunting words scripted in an eerie elegance: "For you, my obsession." Curiosity and dread danced as I plugged the USB drive into my laptop. The screen flickered to life, unveiling a video file that demanded a deep breath, preparing me for the impending revelation.

The video started with an unsettling silence, a masked figure emerging from the shadows in a dark, chilling basement. The room's cold and foreboding atmosphere sent shivers down my spine. As the camera panned, I recognized Sebastian, bound and helpless, a sight that twisted my insides. His disheveled hair and bloodied face, shivering in terror and pain, rendered him unrecognizable. His head drooped, trying his best to remain conscious.

A creepy melody began, a voice both unfamiliar yet ghostly familiar. The masked figure moved deliberately, savoring the impending act, each moment engraved with brutal precision.

You step into my zone

So I drag your body till dawn

The voice echoed in the vacant room, evoking a cold shiver, a tangible fear taking root. With sadistic calmness, the figure approached Sebastian, a gleaming knife glinting ominously. My eyes widened, horrified yet unable to turn away. The figure sang with a chilling distortion.

They warn you, don't go there

The devil's in the next room

He slowly approached him, circling him like a predator and marking cuts on his body. Sebastian pleaded, trembling, losing consciousness. My vision blurred with tears as I begged that psychopath to stop, but I knew he didn't hear me.

You didn't listen, so now you pay 

I'll burn your body down the bay

A brutal scene unfolded; he slashed his neck, slitting his throat with his sharp knife. Blood poured out like rain from his throat, and his lifeless head drifted aside, his once-charming eyes now vacant. A heavy feeling of guilt caged me, something boiling in my chest. I screamed with my hands on my mouth, screamed until my throat went sore.

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