Chapter 1

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For as long as you could you remember, you've had a crush on one man - Lorenzo Berkshire. With this came problems. Firstly, women were constantly at his beck and call. Secondly, he thought of you as a kid. Thirdly and worst of all, he happened to be your brother's best friend. Then in your penultimate year of Hogwarts, everything changed...

You had a good summer, a great summer... Alone. Your family went on holiday and your brother screwed anything with a pulse while you sat in your room reading and thinking about Lorenzo Berkshire - Your brother's best friend. You only saw him once over the whole summer because he went on vacation with his family. 

He came over to your house to see your brother and they decided to play some quidditch. He came back in the house drenched in sweat. On anyone else that would have been disgusting but on him, it just seemed so sexy. He greeted you with a mischievous grin and offered you a sweaty hug but as he was coming to hug you, your brother runs into the room and jumps on his back.

He laughs and the moment has passed. However for you the moment never leaves your mind.. It's still there, haunting you. You were inches away from him and your brother ruined it. You groan, thinking how pathetic it is to get this wound up over a hug. But it's him.

Your brother and Enzo have been friends for as long as you can remember. Out of all your brother's friends, he always goes out of his way to be nice and helpful. He's so charming and the passion he puts into everything he does makes it so easy to fall for him. Him being devastatingly gorgeous only made it even easier. 

Unsurprisingly, you're not the only one with a crush. At least half the girls at school have all had a crush on him and he's hooked up with his fair share. Sometimes you wonder what it would be like...

You get on the train to Hogwarts and sigh. Your brother has already ditched you to go off in search of his friends. You get to a compartment and see Lorenzo sitting comfortably and reading a book. You stop and stare for a moment - He looks so angelic and you see his pink lips mouthing the words as he reads. You blush thinking of all the times you've thought of those lips and the things you've thought of them doing. 

He looks up and you blush harder, wondering if he has caught you staring. "Hi Y/N," He smiles at you before his tone turns into one of concern, "Are you okay? You look a little red."

"Yeah I'm fine. My trunk was just a little heavy so I'm out of breath," You lie nervously. 

"Let me help you with that," He says before taking the trunk from your hands and putting it in the compartment above the seat. Then he pauses and turns around, "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't even ask if you wanted to sit here."

"I do, uh, want to sit here. Astoria is probably with Draco anyway so I don't want to be the third wheel," You smile at him and sit down. 

"Yeah," He chuckles, "That's why I left him... They were getting a little handsy." 

'If only he would get a little handsy with me,' You think to yourself and inwardly groan. You try your best to put those thoughts out of your mind and focus on having a normal conversation with him.

He asks you how your holiday was and listens attentively, even asking questions where appropriate. Spending time alone with him like this makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You've had conversations with him before but usually there were other people around so it's never felt quite as intimate as this. Now it's just you and him and he's entirely focused on you and what you're saying.

You try your best to describe everything that happened in the most interesting way that you can and the way his eyes sparkle make all the effort worth it. Truth be told you know he would stay and listen to whatever you have to say even if it was boring because that's the kind of guy he was, ever the gentleman. But you didn't want him to listen because he's well-mannered, you want him to listen because he finds you fascinating or at the very least interesting.

Lorenzo was known for being a fuckboy - He could have any girl he wanted, so why shouldn't he? However, he was never unkind about it and he never cheated. Although the last part is due to the fact that he never got into relationships. He was always honest with everyone about where they stood and you can't help but admire him for it because most people in his position would have their cake and eat it too.

You ask him about his holiday and he excitedly talks about the places he visited and the quidditch match he went to watch. You listen as attentively as you can - it's not that easy when you have to look at his pretty face the whole time. His eyes light up as he goes on and you watch the movement of his lips. Everything about him is just perfect.

Sometimes you wish he would notice you as woman rather than his best friend's little sister. Maybe then you would at least have a shot. It's not entirely his fault, they all treat you like a kid so why wouldn't he see you as one? Maybe this is the year to show them how much you've grown up over the summer.

Your mind drifts as you formulate a plan. It's time to do away with the too big uniforms and trade in the casual party clothes for things that actually show off your figure. You decide that this is the year he is going to notice you, you'll make sure of it. You smirk and he notices. He looks at you curiously but doesn't say anything. After a minute he breaks the silence with an offer you can't refuse.

"Chocolate frog?" He offers, holding one out to you. 

"Yeah thanks," You say before taking it from him. 

You open the box and the frog is so eager, it jumps out immediately. You leap to catch it but you're not fast enough and it heads out the window while you happen to land face first in Lorenzo's lap. You freeze realizing where you are.

Then you hear your brother's voice ring out, "What the fuck am I seeing?"

My Brother's Best Friend: A Lorenzo Berkshire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now