Chapter 6

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You wake up with a smile on your face and walk slowly to the bathroom. Your legs are still a little shaky and you groan. There's a knock at your door. You open it to find Enzo standing there with a potion in his hand. 

"Good morning sweetheart," He says before handing you the potion, "I thought you might need this."

"What is it?" You ask curiously. 

"A healing potion of sorts," He gives you a smile and you nod before gulping it down. Your legs start to feel better. 

"Thank you," You give him a quick peck on the lips. 

"You know that's technically the first time I've actually kissed your lips..." He says and you step closer to him. 

"I mean you've kissed other lips," You look up at him innocently. 

He groans, "Don't tempt me, baby." You giggle. 

"I should go meet the guys for breakfast, I'll see you down there," He says before pecking your lips again.

He heads down to breakfast and you hop in the shower to get ready for the day. You decide to skip breakfast and spend a little more time getting ready. You walk into class and take your seat. 

Enzo sits down next to you and places a sandwich in front of you. You look at him questioningly. "You skipped breakfast this morning so I brought you a sandwich. It's steak with caramelized onions on white bread."

You're taken aback by his response. You didn't tell him what your favourite sandwich was. "How did you know?" You ask him softly. 

"Those are the ones you always get," Enzo smiles at you and you thank him before you both turn your attention to the professor. 

You munch on your sandwich happily and glance over at Enzo and see him watching your professor attentively, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. He looks so sexy. You look away from him and try to concentrate, determined to keep up your grades. This year has a lot more competition than previous years and you can't afford to fall behind. You take notes diligently and make extra notes for studying later.

After class, Enzo has to stay behind to speak to your professor so you head to Herbology. Everyone looks at you as Professor Sprout introduces you to the class. She motions for you to go take a seat and Theo waves you over. You smile at him gratefully and take a seat next to him. 

"Hi Y/N," Theo smiles at you, "Your hair looks nice."

"Thank you," You smile back at him and your brother glares at him. 

A few moments later, Enzo arrives to class. He speaks to Professor Sprout before turning around to look for a seat. He frowns as his eyes land on you sitting next to Theo. He takes the seat across from you, next to Mattheo and Professor Sprout begins her lesson. 

She gives the class some partner work to do and Theo offers to be yours. You glance over at Enzo but he continues to talk to your brother so you shrug and accept Theo's offer. You spend the rest of class working with Theo while Enzo continues to ignore your glances. After class ends, you pick up your stuff, feeling frustrated. 

"Do you want to go to library later?" Theo asks. 

Before you can answer, Enzo speaks up, "She can't." 

"Why not?" Mattheo asks, eyeing Enzo suspiciously. 

"Professor Flitwick gave us a project to do and we're supposed to work on it tonight because it's due soon," Enzo says smoothly. 

Mattheo sighs in relief, "Oh. Okay then."

"I'll see you after class to work on the project, Y/N," Enzo says before the boys turn to leave. 

You head to your last class of the day with people your own age and it's enjoyable but somewhat boring considering you already knew the things that were being taught. After your class, you grab some dinner and head into your dorm room. You have a shower and get dressed when there's a knock at your door. You open the door and Enzo lets himself in. 

"So the project... What is it?" You ask him. 

"There's no project," He admits. 

"So, why did you say we had a project?" You raise your eyebrow at him. 

"Theo likes you. I didn't want you going to the library with him... But I shouldn't have done that. I don't get to make your decisions for you. If you want to hang out with someone, you should."

"You're right, you don't. Theo's my friend so there are times I'm going to hang out with him. But he's not you," You say and cup his face in your hands. You place your lips on his and start kissing him. He kisses you back and his hands fall down to your waist, drawing you in closer. 

"How can I make it up to you baby?" He asks when you both stop to breathe. 

"Keep kissing me please," You smile at him and bite your lip. You both have a heated make-out session before he leaves, bidding you good night.

This taking things slow is even harder now that you know how good he can make you feel. You touch your lips as you think of him. You can feel how wet you are just from kissing him and you groan. 

'This is definitely going to difficult,' You think as you try to fall asleep.

You open your eyes and there's Enzo in front of you shirtless and smirking. "Baby, I thought you might need me," He says and walks closer to you. He kisses you roughly and squeezes your breast. You moan and his hand slips further down your body until he reaches your pussy. He glides his fingers across your wetness, eliciting another moan from you. 

"Tell me what you want sweetheart," He says to you teasingly.

"I want you, Enzo," You say shyly. 

"Nuh uh, pretty girl. You can be more descriptive than that," He gives you a pointed look but uses an encouraging tone. 

"I want your fingers inside me, stretching out my pussy and moving in and out of me, bringing me to the edge and making me feel so good. Then I want to cum all over your pretty fingers and I want to watch to you lick them off," You say and bite your lip.

"That's better," Enzo winks at you before shoving his fingers into you roughly and following your instructions perfectly. 

Just as you're about to orgasm, you jolt awake, covered in sweat. You groan realizing it was a dream. 

"God damn," You huff and try to get back to sleep.

My Brother's Best Friend: A Lorenzo Berkshire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now