Chapter 10

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You go back to your dorm to get ready for the day. When you get to the Great Hall you see Theo sitting by himself, far away the usual group of friends. You walk past them, ignore the looks of shock and confusion, and sit down next to Theo. 

He looks up at you in surprise, "What are you doing?" 

"I'm sitting down," You say and start dishing food onto your plate. 

"Clearly, I meant why aren't you sitting with your friends?" He raises his eyebrow. 

"I am sitting with my friend," You shrug and start eating. He smiles at you and keeps eating.

It's time to get to class and you both start walking to class until you're interrupted by Mattheo and his friends. "Get out of the way," You tell him. 

"What's going on here?" Mattheo asks both of you. 

"None of your business, Mattheo," You say to him, looking him square in the eye. You grab Theo's hand and push past them, beginning to walk away. You pause and turn around. 

"If you want to lay a hand on him again, you're going to have to go through me," You say and force a smile at them. Then you turn back around and carry on walking.

You go to your seat in Potions which is next to Enzo. Professor Snape was the only teacher who wouldn't let you switch seats. 

"What's going on with you and Theo?" He whispers to you while Snape's back is turned. 

"You don't get to ask me that," You whisper back without looking at him. 

He scoffs and says, "I knew there was something between the two of you. I was right." You roll your eyes. 

"There wasn't anything between us until you encouraged my brother to put him in the hospital wing. Then I spent time actually getting to know him without my Lorenzo blinders on and turns out he's a pretty great guy. One that doesn't think my brother's more important than me," You whisper back angrily.

"Detention, Berkshire and Riddle. Three weeks," Snape says calmly and both of you groan in response. The rest of the class goes in silence, neither of you wanting to get into more trouble. The rest of the day passes without any more trouble. 

"Do you want to hang out?" Theo asks. 

"I can't," You say with a pout, "I have detention."

Two weeks pass smoothly. You hang out with Theo, stay on top of your studies and avoid Enzo as much as possible. You're on the last day of detention when things change. At supper, you spill pumpkin juice on your skirt so you go up to your room to change. Part of you wishes you could just use magic and make it clean but Hogwarts rules make sure certain things that would make your lives easier just doesn't work. 

When you get to you closet, you find that the only skirt you have left is one from before your growth spurt so now it looks really short. You try your best to pull it down as you walk to detention. You get to detention and Snape gives you both instructions before leaving the room. 

"Seriously?" Enzo rolls his eyes, "Being all over Theo isn't enough to make me feel like shit, now you're dressing like a whore?" 

"I didn't know you cared," You say and press your lips together before continuing, "And this was all I had in my closet." 

You add ingredients and start stirring the potion in front of you when the liquid jumps out and gets on your shirt. It starts burning and you scream. Enzo rips your shirt open causing the buttons to go flying, and helps you pull it off. You sigh in relief as your skin starts to cool down. Enzo's eyes fall on your chest and he gulps. 

"Fuck," He breathes out as he examines your lacy black bra.

Your nipples harden under his gaze and you can feel yourself getting turned on just by the thought of him touching you. The liquid in cauldron jumps out again, but before it can land on you, Enzo pulls you in by your waist so you avoid the burn. He puts the fire out with one hand while holding you with the other. 

"You okay?" He asks in concern. 

"I..." You stammer out, completely aware of how his body is pressed against you. 

His eyes trail down and he licks his lips. In that moment, you want nothing more than to kiss him again. You press your lips against his and he kisses you back without hesitation. He kisses you roughly and without mercy. His fingers dig into your hips as he bites your lip. You moan and he slips his tongue back in your mouth. 

"Enzo," You sigh as he sucks on your neck. He nips at your neck before placing butterfly kisses along your collarbone. 

"Baby, I missed you so much," He says in between kisses.

He picks you up and places you on the table before kissing you again. He moves his hand up your skirt and massages your thighs. You feel yourself getting wetter. He moves your soaked panties aside before inserting two fingers inside you and moving them in and out. 

"Oh fuck," You gasp as he goes faster and faster, bringing you closer to the edge. 

"I missed you. I missed the way you sound. I love the way you sound. I love the way your pussy clenches around my fingers. I love how you look when you're coming undone," He whispers in your ear, "I love you."

You freeze, wondering if he realizes what he's said. But he doesn't stop, he keeps going and your pussy clenches around his fingers as you cum all over them. He pulls his fingers out and licks them. His alarm rings, alerting you both that detention is almost over and Snape is on his way back. 

You get off the table and look down out your chest. Enzo takes off his blazer and puts it on you before buttoning it up so no one can see that you're not wearing a shirt. He starts to say something but Snape walks in. He raises his eyebrow at the two you. 

"You may go now. I hope I won't be seeing either of you in detention again," Snape says and indicates for both of you to leave.

You both walk out of the room. "Don't you think we should talk?" Enzo grabs your hand and pleads with you. 

"That was a mistake," You say, feeling extremely guilty at betraying Theo. I mean you guys weren't exclusive but you've never been the type of girl to talk to two guys at the same time, let alone hook up with two guys at the same time. 

"It wasn't a mistake to me," Enzo says, looking deep into your eyes, "I want to be with you. Seeing you with Theo has been driving me crazy. The thought of him touching you make me want to kill him. I hated staying away from you. I loathed trying to ignore you. Every moment I'm near you feels like the greatest moment of my life until the next time I'm near you and then that feels even better. I worship you with my entire existence. I love you with all my heart. I'm going to tell your brother everything whether or not you want to be with me, because I want the entire world to know that there is no one else for me but you. And you don't have to say anything back. I just... I just needed you to know." 

You open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out. He looks dejected but still smiles at you sadly before turning around and walking back to his dorm.

My Brother's Best Friend: A Lorenzo Berkshire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now