Chapter 9

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You walk to your brother's dorm with your fists clenched. You knock on the door but throw it open without waiting for a response. You see Mattheo and Enzo sitting on their beds, their earphones in and their heads bobbing along to the music. You slam the door behind you and they both look up in surprise. You stomp up to Mattheo and grab the earphones out of his ears. 

"Oww, Y/N! What the hell?" He asks angrily. 

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" You shout while glaring at him. 

"What are you on about?" He asks while rolling his eyes.

"What did you do to Theo?" You ask, clenching your fists. 

"I think you can see what I did to Theo," Mattheo smirks at you. 

"Why, Matty?" You look up at him, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. He immediately softens, seeing the hurt expression on your face. 

"He was using you, Y/N. He slept with you because of a bet," Mattheo says with a sigh. 

"And where did you get that information?" You ask him while rubbing your temples. 

"Enzo heard some guys talking about it and he told me, so I taught him a lesson," Mattheo shrugs.

"En-Enzo told you that?" You ask him, feeling betrayed. 

You turn around ready to face Enzo, but he's not on his bed anymore. You leave the room without a word, determined to find him and get the truth out of him. You search for Enzo for about an hour before the weather starts to turn and it starts raining. You head back to your room to grab a coat before continuing your search, but to your surprise Enzo is sitting on your bed. You close the door behind you and walk up to him.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere," You huff. 

"I know," He replies, "And I know what you're going to ask me... That's why I couldn't face you." 

Your eyes widen in realization. You don't want to believe it, but hearing those words you know it was him. He really is the one that told Mattheo that you and Theo slept together and made up some story about a stupid bet. Tears prick the corner of your eyes. 

"Why?" You choke out. 

He looks down. "You know why... I saw you leave with him and I couldn't control myself. One minute I was trying to calm down and the next minute I was telling Mattheo that I saw you and Theo and then he assumed you two slept together and I just... I didn't correct him. I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have done it. I just hated seeing you with him." He runs his hand through his hair.

"You're right, you shouldn't have done it. And you should have trusted me. And you shouldn't have talked to me... But you didn't and now Theo is lying in a goddamn hospital bed! And do you know what he's worried about? Me and my brother, the guy that put him there!" You shout at him angrily. 

"Maybe we can just explain to Mattheo that you guys aren't together and fix things?" Lorenzo walks up to you and caresses your cheek. You slap his hand away. 

"And then what? I go back to being your dirty little secret?" You ask him and roll your eyes. 

"Y/N, try to understand," He tries to hold your hand but you clench your fist. 

"No, I'm sick of understanding. I'm sick of being a secret. And most of all I'm sick of coming in second to him. The damage has been done, Lorenzo," You reply to him stiffly.

"Baby, come on," He begs. 

"Get out," You say calmly and he doesn't move. 

"Now," You raise your voice and he walks out the room, stopping at the door to give you one last puppy dog look which you promptly ignore. 

You collapse onto your bed and sigh. If he wanted to fight for you, he would have. All he needed to do was choose you and he couldn't do that... But Theo did and now he's in the hospital for it. You feel immensely guilty about it, but part of you feels so special at how much he cares about you and is willing to show it.

Over the next week, you visit Theo at the hospital wing every day. You take his work to him and work through it with him. You eat together, you apply the salve to his ribs and talk him through Madam Pomfrey dressing his wounds and giving him horrible tasting potions. 

Since you're not eating at the Great Hall and you've switched seats in your classes with Enzo, you've managed to mostly avoid him. You couldn't avoid the forlorn looks he sends you when no one is looking but you do your best to ignore them. 

Theo is getting discharged today and you decide to surprise him. You speak to Blaise about the surprise but he's staying over at his girlfriend's dorm. You don't bother talking to the other guys since you know none of them have even bothered to visit Theo in the hospital wing. 

Theo walks into his room and you shout, "Surprise!" He looks around the room. 

"Woah," He says as he sees the streamers and balloons decorating his dorm room. 

"You did this for me?" He asks surprised. 

"Do you like it?" You ask nervously.

He smiles at you and says, "Of course I do, but you didn't have to go through all the trouble." You smile back at him and pull him in for a hug. 

"I wanted to," You say as you pull away. You pause a few inches from him and look at his lips. He looks down at you and his tongue darts out, licking his bottom lip. He steps back. 

"Sorry," He says looking down, "I think it's best if we maintain some personal space." 

"Why?" You ask him confused. 

"Because when you're close to me, I get this overwhelming urge to kiss you and you don't want me kissing you," He says and rubs the back of his neck.

"What if I do want you kissing me?" You ask and take a step closer to him. 

"Are you sure?" He asks you softly. 

You crash your lips onto his. He kisses you back softly, almost as if he's afraid you're going to disappear. You pull away and look up at him, trying to reassure him, "I want this." 

He kisses you again, this time more passionately. You moan as he slips his tongue into your mouth and pulls you in closer by your waist. Your hands go into his hair and tug at it. You swing your legs around his hips and he grabs your ass. 

"Cara mia," He says lowly as you start kissing his neck, "We should stop before this goes too far." Your legs drop to the floor and you step away from him. 

"Do you... do you not want me?" You ask him unsurely. 

"Of course I do," He steps closer to you and holds you in his arms, "But a week ago, you didn't want to kiss me and now..." 

"When you showed me how important I am to you, things changed for me. I want to give this a chance... I mean if you want to?" You ask him nervously. 

"I do. I like you, Y/N. You're important to me. But what about your brother?" He asks. 

"I'll make sure he stays out of it," You tell him before pulling him in by his tie for another kiss. 

He kisses you back and you fall back onto his bed. You spend the rest of the night kissing before cuddling. You accidentally fall asleep in his dorm, but you don't mind at all.

My Brother's Best Friend: A Lorenzo Berkshire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now