Chapter 3

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"I'll take her," Theo offers, "I don't mind. I have to pick up a book too."

Mattheo looks at him suspiciously but nods thereby giving him permission to walk with you. Enzo shifts in his seat uncomfortably as the two of you leave the table and head to the Hogwarts library.

You're walking to the library when someone rushes past you both, pushing past you in the process. You stretch your arms out, bracing yourself for the impact, but it never comes. You open your eyes slowly and find a smirking Theo holding you by your waist. 

"I've got you," He whispers. 

"Thanks," You say looking up at him. He doesn't move and just continues looking at you. 

"Uhh Theo?" You ask, looking at him questioningly. 

He shakes his head before letting you go and gesturing for you to go ahead. You shrug and walk ahead of him. You walk into the library and start searching through the stacks of books. Theo disappears and gives you some space to immerse yourself in one of your favourite environments.

Twenty minutes later, you check out a stack of books and Theo returns. "I know we're not technically supposed to eat or drink in here but I figured you had a long day and could use a cup of coffee," Theo says before placing two mugs on the table.

Both of you sip your coffee and fall into an easy conversation about the books you're reading. Theo is secretly a bookworm and over the years, he's one of the few people you like to sit and discuss your favourite books with.

"Can I ask you something?" You look at him curiously. 

He nods in response so you go on, "You're so smart, how come you don't... how come you're not..."

You bite the inside of your cheek trying to figure out how to ask what you really want to ask. "How come I don't do better in school?" Theo finishes for you. You nod.

"It creates too many expectations... I'll never hear the end of it from the 'rents. There will be this constant pressure on me all the time and I don't want that," He explains. You place a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. 

You're about to say something else but the librarian comes over to you guys and says that it's almost curfew. He grabs your books and gestures for you to go ahead. You get to the common room and he hands you your books before bidding you good night. You're about to head upstairs when a chair swivels around revealing Enzo.

"What took you guys so long?" He asks immediately. 

'He couldn't be jealous, could he?' You think to yourself, 'No of course not. He's probably just here at my brother's behest.'

"Well maybe not all of your friends think I'm completely undesirable," You roll your eyes. 

He narrows his eyes at you until he sees the hurt expression on your face and he softens. 

"Y/N, I..." Enzo trails off. You shake your head and turn around to head to your dorm. 

Before you can go up the stairs, you feel him behind you. He leans and down and whispers in your ear, "You are desirable." 

His hot breath on your neck makes you close your eyes and imagine sinful things. You turn around to speak to him but when you do, there's no one behind you.

'Did I imagine that?' You think to yourself as you head up to bed, 'It seemed so real.'

You wake up the next day still wondering if you imagined the moment between you and Enzo last night. You go down to breakfast and begin eating. A few minutes later, Enzo arrives with your brother. Your eyes meet for a brief moment and then he looks away and sits down to eat breakfast with your brother. 

The smile falls off your face and you focus on your book, trying not to think about Enzo. Your eyes wander over to where he's sitting and you have to will yourself to look away as some girl comes over and starts flirting with him. You slam your book shut and grab your things and rush out the Great Hall to your first class of the day.

On your way there, McGonagall stops you and asks you to step into her office for a moment. You agree and follow after her. She indicates for you to sit and you take a seat. 

"Miss Riddle, you have been extremely advanced in your studies and it definitely showed in your placement test. Your parents are going to be very proud of you. We've decided to let you skip ahead in some of your classes. At first, it will the subjects in which you're most proficient and as you get more comfortable we'll consider you moving up in all your subjects. If, at any point, it becomes too overwhelming, you come to me and we'll go back to the way things are right now. Do you understand?"

"Yes Professor," You smile at her and she hands you a new schedule. 

"I'm proud of you too, Y/N," She smiles back at you. 

You clutch the schedule tightly in your hand and head to your new class. You open the door and everyone in class turns around to look at you. You step in and close the door behind you. You ignore their stares and head to the front of the classroom. 

Your Professor reads the note you hand to her before addressing the class, "Miss Riddle will be joining our lessons. I expect you all to make her feel welcome."

"Thank you Professor Flitwick," You smile at him fondly. 

"You can sit next to Enzo, he's one of my best students. He'll be able to help if you need anything or you can ask me if you prefer," Professor Flitwick says while indicating to the seat next to Enzo.

 You sit down next to Enzo without looking at him. If he can ignore you at breakfast then you can ignore him in class... or at least try to. You get through the lesson without anything happening until it gets to the practical. 

"So today you be popping the lid off the bottles in front of you. Simply say the incantation and do the wand movement like so," Flitwick explains and demonstrates the incantation. You begin practising the movements and out of the corner of your eye, you see Enzo's bottle cap pop off immediately. 

'Is he good at everything?' You think and groan. 

He turns to look at you, "Do you need some assistance Y/N?" 

You blush and bite your lip before nodding. He smiles at you. 

"So you're saying the incantation correctly but your wand movement is slightly off. You need to add more of a flick when you're going up and make a bigger loop when you're coming down. Like this," He says before taking your hand in his and moving it correctly.

"Now you try," He encourages you and moves to stand in front of your desk. 

You say the incantation and perform the wand movement but instead of the cap popping off your bottle, the buttons on Enzo's shirt pop off. He looks down and sees his shirt is wide open, exposing his abs. Your eyes go wide and you jaw drops slightly.

"Oh my god, look over there!" One of your classmates shout and everyone turns to see you standing a few feet away from a mildly exposed Enzo. Your cheeks turn red as your classmates begin whispering. 

"It's not what it looks like," You try to explain. 

"You two stay after class," Professor Flitwick says.

Everyone leaves and you stay behind with Enzo. "I'm truly sorry Miss Riddle but the lack of clothing is against school policy. I'm afraid I have to place you both in detention," He explains calmly and you sigh, not wanting to get in any further trouble.

 "Professor, it's my fault, I was showing her how to do the spell and I must have made an error," Enzo says, trying to defend you. 

"Okay I realize this was a mistake. I can't overlook it, but I can place you both on kitchen duty for a day rather than serving it with Filch. And it won't go on either of your permanent records. How does that sound?" He asks. 

"Yes, thank you Professor! We'll take it," You say gratefully and you both go to your next class.

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