Chapter 4

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"Professor, it's my fault, I was showing her how to do the spell and I must have made an error," Enzo says, trying to defend you.

"Okay I realize this was a mistake. I can't overlook it, but I can place you both on kitchen duty for a day rather than serving it with Filch. And it won't go on either of your permanent records. How does that sound?" He asks.

"Yes, thank you Professor! We'll take it," You say gratefully and you both go to your next class.

You only had two classes left for the day since the other two were cancelled as two of your Professors had some situation to deal with. The rest of the day was uneventful and you manage to get through it despite all the whispers about Charms class. You sit down on the couch in the common room and read one of the books you borrowed from the library. Theo jumps onto the couch beside you and throws his arm around you.

"So I heard you and Lorenzo are getting down and dirty," He says while wiggling his eyebrows. You blush. 

"It was an accident... I made a mistake with the spell," You explain. 

"Uh huh, I'm sure," Theo teases. 

You roll your eyes at him, "I'm serious, Theo." 

"Don't worry I know... Enzo and you, that would never work," Theo says. 

You frown and then he continues, "You're way too good for him." 

You smile at him. It was nice knowing someone didn't consider Enzo so far out of your league the way everyone else seems too. 

"For me though, you'd be just right," Theo winks at you before getting up, "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N." 

With that he disappears before you can so much as wave. You head upstairs and get ready for bed. Just as you're about to get into bed, you realize you left your book downstairs so you head back down to the common room. Just as you're about to enter you hear them talking so you pause and listen to their conversation.

"So you and Y/N... is something going on there?" Someone asks. 

"Of course not, she's not my type. Besides she's just Mattheo's baby sister," Lorenzo says, "She just made a little mistake while I was helping her out. It was adorable. She's a kid." They all laugh and you blink back tears before rushing upstairs. 

The next day, you do your best to avoid Enzo at all costs but that stops working when you both have kitchen duty due to the incident in class. You skipped supper in the Great Hall so you didn't have to see him and now you have to see him anyway. You groan as you head inside the kitchen. An elf directs you to a stack of plates and gives you instructions before disappearing. A few minutes later, Enzo walks into the kitchen and walks over to you.

"Hey Y/N," He says with a smile on his face. You avoid eye contact with him, not wanting to be drawn in by his puppy dog eyes. 

"Berkshire," You say without looking up. You can sense that he's frowning even though you're not looking at his face. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, his voice full of concern. You shrug and continue washing dishes but he's relentless and won't let it go. 

"Y/N, I'm going to annoy you until you tell me what's going on," Enzo demands. He keeps on nagging you and after twenty minutes you give in. 

"Okay stop. You want know why I don't want to talk to you?" You ask and he nods.

You let out a breath before you continue, "I heard what you said in the common room. I'm not even mad at you... I get that you just see me as a kid. I'm just hurt I guess... So I don't feel like talking to you right now. I'll get over it and it'll be fine like normal." You shrug. 

"Y/N... I didn't mean it like that," He starts off. 

"Look Enzo it's fine. There was this moment I thought we had but I probably just imagined it," You sigh.

"You didn't imagine it," He says before pressing his lips together. 

"What?" You ask shocked. 

"You didn't imagine it... We had a moment," He says and you freeze. It was real. It was real and he completely ignored me the next morning. 

"And then you ignored me the next morning?" You raise your eyebrow. 

"I was with your brother. He's my best friend. You know he wouldn't be okay with it. I can't risk it," Enzo rants.

"You're right," You sigh, "All the dishes are done, let's head back to the dorms. I need a good night's sleep before the party tomorrow." 

He doesn't know what to say. You leave the kitchen and head to the dorms with him trailing after you.

On the bright side, at least you know that he's somewhat interested in you. On the not so bright side, not interested enough to ever do anything about it. He's pretty much telling you to give up, but it's just always been him. How do you walk away from that? You knew all the rumours, all the stories and yet none of it was ever enough for you to consider walking away.

Part of you wants to be done with it and done with him but the other part of you just isn't sure how to let this go. It's been a part of you for as long as you can remember. You just need him to realize that you're worth the risk. Maybe if he knows you better and sees you for who you really are, he'll understand that you are the one for him.

You look over at the new clothes you bought for this year that you thought you could never pull off. 'Well it's time to find out if I can,' You think to yourself. You try on the clothes and pick the perfect outfit for the party tomorrow night.

My Brother's Best Friend: A Lorenzo Berkshire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now