Chapter 7

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The next day you wake up and get ready for the day. You walk into the Great Hall and your stomach drops as you see the way Daphne Greengrass keeps touching Enzo's arm and twirling her hair. You swallow the lump in your throat and part of you wants to just turn around and head back upstairs to your room, but that would seem suspicious.

Instead of walking away, you walk straight over to their group. You ignore Enzo's eyes trained on you and sit down next to Theo. 

"Good morning," Theo says and winks at you. 

"Good morning," You smile at him while piling food onto your plate, "I was wondering if you wanted to work on the DADA assignment later today during our free period?"

"Of course, I'd love to Y/N," Theo smiles at you and throws his arm around you. 

Mattheo clears his throat and you roll your eyes. You continue to ignore him and Enzo who still has Daphne fawning all over him. Astoria and Draco join you and Theo in conversation. It's almost time for class and you all get up to head to class. Theo grabs your bag and slings it over his shoulder before offering you his arm. You look back at Enzo before taking Theo's arm and heading to class.

You sit next to Theo in DADA and he introduces you to a few more people he's friends with. You all work together and you completely ignore the angry looks Enzo is sending your way. Class passes by with no drama and you feel a lot better than you did this morning. You're still busy packing up and you tell the others to go on ahead because you need to check in with your Professor. You finish your mandatory check-in with your professor and grab your bag before leaving class.

As you walk through the corridor, you feel someone grab your arm and pull you into an empty classroom. You're about to go on the defensive when you notice it's Enzo. 

"Enzo! What are you doing?" You ask him. He slams the door shut and casts a spell on the room. 

"What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?" Enzo asks angrily, "Putting your hands all over him!"

"Kind of like how Daphne was putting her hands all over you?" You ask him and glare at him. 

"That's not the same thing! I don't want Daphne. It's not like my hands were all over her. If I suddenly just acted differently, it would seem suspicious," Enzo rants. 

"So I'm supposed to be okay with Daphne fondling your dick in public but I'm not allowed to hold hands with someone else?" You scoff.

"Is that why you were hanging on him? Because you were jealous of Daphne?" Enzo raises his eyebrow. 

"Of course I was jealous, Enzo. Don't be daft," You huff and cross your arms. 

"I didn't think you cared," Enzo admits, "You weren't even looking." 

"Because I couldn't stand to look at the two of you flirting!" You yell and turn away from him. He comes up behind you and caresses your arms. 

"You have nothing to worry about, love," He says in a deep voice and blows gently on your neck. You sigh as you feel your body reacting to him.

He places a soft kiss on your neck. "I want you." He places another kiss on your neck. "I need you." He starts sucking on your neck, marking his territory. You moan as he sucks on your skin harder and harder. He presses himself against you and you can feel him poking against you. You turn around to face him. 

"I don't want to stop, but I do have to go work on the DADA assignment with Theo," You say while looking up at him. He presses his lips together and closes his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"Let me make it up to you, baby," You repeat his words from the other night. 

You kiss the side of his neck and slowly open his buttons and kiss down his chest. You lick his abs while you unbutton his pants and pull them down. You pull down his underwear and run your hands along the shaft as you place a kiss on the tip of his cock. He moans as you start sucking on it eagerly. Your hands massage his balls. 

"Fuck Y/N, that feels so good," Enzo praises you, "Keep going baby."

You keep going and feel him jerk his hips to push more of himself inside you. "Oh baby, I'm almost there," He throws his head back as you keep going. 

"I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum..." He tells you, moving to pull himself out of your mouth, but you grab his ass and hold him in place, forcing him to cum inside your mouth. 

"Ahh..." Enzo moans as he finishes. He pulls out of you and you swallow his cum.

"God that was so hot, watching you swallow my cum," Enzo says as he helps you up. You giggle. 

"Surely you've had girls swallow before," You point out to him. 

"Yeah, but they weren't you," Enzo says and cups your cheek before kissing you passionately. He pulls up his underwear and pants before making himself presentable. 

"If you're going to make it up to me like this all the time, I might be able to tolerate you hanging out with Theo," He sighs as he pulls you in closer and grabs your ass. 

"We are really bad at taking things slow," You giggle. 

"You're the one that makes it so hard," Enzo groans. 

"You mean I make you so hard?" You wiggle your eyebrows. 

"That too," He laughs and pecks you on your lips.

"How would you feel about going on a date tomorrow, love?" Enzo asks and tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. 

"I would love to," You smile up at him, "But where would we go? Someone could see us and we're supposed to be keeping this quiet while we figure things out." 

"I know a place, sweetheart," He says and caresses your cheek with his thumb. You give him a quick peck on the lips and bid him goodbye. 

You head down the corridor with a giant smile on your face. "What's got you smiling like that, dork?" Your brother asks. Your smile drops. 

"Nothing, I'm just going to meet Theo to work on our DADA assignment," You say and try to walk past him. He stops you. 

"Y/N, Theo is my friend and he's a huge fuckboy. Don't get involved with him," Mattheo warns you.

"Nothing is going on between me and Theo," You roll your eyes. 

"Good," Mattheo gives you a pointed look, "Hell the only person it would be worse for you to get involved with than Theo would be Lorenzo." He laughs and you don't say anything. 

"But Enzo is like my brother and he would never betray me like that," He laughs. You force a smile onto your face. 

"Are we done here?" You ask. 

"Yeah yeah," He says before moving out of his way and allowing you to pass.

You get to the library and find Theo sitting and waiting for you. "What took you so long?" Theo asks curiously. 

"Oh, Mattheo was giving me a talk on what a bad guy you are," You roll your eyes and sit down. He throws his arm around you. 

"Do you think I'm a bad guy, Y/N?" He cocks his eyebrow. 

"Would I be here if I did?" You raise your eyebrow at him. 

"I'm serious, Y/N. Do you actually think I'm a bad guy?" Theo looks into your eyes and takes a serious tone. 

"I think you put on a show for everyone, but you're a good guy inside and you're afraid to really let people see it," You look at him and smile before opening your textbook.

He smiles at you and you both begin working on the assignment. After all that work you're exhausted, you head down to the kitchens to sneak some dinner. You walk to the common room together and he bids you goodbye.

You lie in bed wondering how your date tomorrow will go and trying to decide on an outfit. Your mind races both in anticipation over tomorrow and worry over what Mattheo said to you earlier. 

'Is Enzo using me?' You think to yourself, 'I mean he wouldn't do that to me, would he?'

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