"Class party" - dec.19,2023

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Based off of the class party I'm gonna have tomorrow >:3

(Takes place BEFORE the Octonauts even existed.)
(And to make this make sense I'm changing their current and past ages)
Current ages:
Inkling: 38
Barnacles: 36
Kwazii: 22
Tweak: 23
Dashi: 25
Shellington: 24
Peso: 19
Vegimals: 3-5 yrz old

Past ages:
Inkling: 10
Barnacles: 8
Kwazii: 7
Tweak: 8
Dashi: 9 1/2
Shellington: 9
Peso: 5
Vegimals: non existent

Don't mind how this doesn't make sense even though it was meant to make sense I can't do math for the life of me and making inkling 38 doesn't set right with me so these ages are only for this chapter I'll explain more later.

Also keep in mind Kwazii is trans in this au, so as a child he was a girl, so kwazii's name in the past is "Kamari"
Oh and tweak goes by she/her (same with Kwazii)
Dashi goes by he/him and will be known as dash.
(These 3 characters are transgender, but they're like 10 so here they're the gender they were before they got surgery and stuff like that idk)
"Alright class! Sit on a colored dot on the carpet! We have something to discuss." The teacher announced, sitting down on the stool.

"I call red!" Kamari smiled, running over to the red dot.
"We know Kwazii, you always pick that same dot." Tweak sighed, walking over and sitting next to her best friend, Kamari.

"Cmon shell!" Dash smiled, grabbing shellington's wrist and sliding onto the carpet.
"Ow! Why'd you slide?"
"Because it's fun!"
"You should be more careful."

Barnacles and inkling sat down, peso waddling as fast as a small penguin could to get to the carpet.
(Yes peso is in this class he's just rlly fucking smart ok?:D)

"We're having a class party next week! If you can tell your parents about it that'd be great. And tell them to bring some snacks!" The teacher explained, then looking over at peso.

"Could you tell your father to bring some plates, peso?"
"Pero mis padres en la corte." Peso replied, not like anyone understood him. (-inkling and shellington)
"Does anyone know what he said?"
Shellington stood up and whispered into the teachers ear, he didn't think announcing peso's family problems to the class was necessary.

"That's a lie, penguin! You just don't want to do anything. Fine. Have it your way, you just won't participate." The teacher scolded, dismissing shellington to go sit back down.
(Bastard teacher tbh fuck you)

Peso looked stunned.
He understood English, he just couldn't speak it. And he looked offended, disgusted, and angry.
(Makes no sense but ok)

"¿¿QUÉ DEMONIOS?? ¿CÓMO PUEDES DECIR QUE LOS PROBLEMAS FAMILIARES SON MENTIRA? ¿ERES TONTO?" Peso shouted, which resulted in him sitting out on recess.
(Isrh I'm gonna kms if I ever do something like this again)

"You're lucky I didn't call your father."
Which peso was indeed lucky, he would've became dinner for 4 if the teacher had Called his dad.

At the end of the day, all the kids went home and told their parents/guardians about the party.


All the kids walked in with their parents who were holding something in Their paws. They placed them down on a table next to the books.

Peso was holding little baggies with gifts inside of them, his older brother pogo and his mother were holding the other bags. (Bc one 2'4 penguin is NOT carrying all those baggies)

"Oh! Peso, you brought something." The teacher smiled.
"Damn right he did. Don't ever disrespect my son like that. Try seeing what goes on in the house first before saying that's an excuse, estúpido." Peso's father scolded, then walking out the classroom door, followed by peso's mom and older brother.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, well besides the part they all got a sugar rush but that's normal!!

"WEE WOO WEE WOO!!" -Kamari

"I flipping hate this class." - peso.

Yes I made this as an excuse to make peso's father seem like the good guy for once. I'm just really very bored (it's 12:25AM)


Ew I don't want to publish this but I need to publish something on this book today

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