Little Miss Mommy Issues -June 7th, 2024

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TW: Abuse, transphobia mentions of Burn/cutting themselves, transphobic slurs, Dashi/dasher angst.
Reminder: Dashi is trans, mtf!! (Male to female)
Read at your own risk!!!


Dashi, such a beautiful name. And how she wished it was her real name. Unfortunately, that was just the name she chose after surgery.

She was biologically a boy, but she hated it.
She hated the stereotypes that followed being a boy. And she'd kill to destroy them and throw them to the bottom of the ocean where they'd never would be found again.

Unfortunately for her, she couldn't do that. Because stuck up, presumably "Christians" would just create more stereotypes.

She was the one to break a few of those stuck up rules, as she was a boy, she wore dresses, dressed in pink.

Of course at first, her parents thought this was just a phase. And didn't pay attention to "his" weird habits of dressing up girly.

But as time went by, they realized it was much more of than "Just a Phase."

March 31st, 2009.
(I think dasher was around 15, too lazy to do the math)

Dasher was sitting in his room, scrolling through a newspaper for female room decor, when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!" He answered, putting the newspaper down and standing up.
"Dasher." His mom began, opening the door and walking in the room.
Tension immediately filled the room, as they both had a feeling this wouldn't end well.

"We need to talk..about your-..interesting hobbies and habits." She sighed, gesturing for dasher to sit down on the bed.

The two sat down, and his mother looked him dead in the eye.

" know you aren't a girl, correct?"
Dasher bit his lip nervously, this wasn't the way he wanted to come out to his parents, but what choice did he have now?

"Yes, honey?"
"I'm uh..I'm transgender." He spat out, looking down at the ground. He didn't know how any of his parents felt about him being trans, nor did he know how they felt about the community. So he was mentally praying he wouldn't get kicked out.

" You're a boy. This is all just stupid phase. You'll grow out of it eventually."
"You've been saying that for the past 12 years and I still haven't grown out of it."

Dasher's mom looked at the ground in defeat. She wanted a boy, not a girl. She went to extreme measures for her baby boy, only for him to be "transgender."

Sudden rage filled her body as she stood up with her once soft paws clenched into fist of fury.

"NO! Listen to me, dasher. You are a BOY! Do you not understand how far I went for you?! Only for you to be some stupid tranny?!" She yelled, grabbing her son by the wrist and shoving him to the floor.

Dasher gasped at the sudden shove, but it was kind of expected..this was one of those stupid stereotypical Christian families.

"GOD DID NOT MAKE YOU TO BE THIS WAY!" She screamed, tugging dasher by his hair and dragging him around until she slammed him into the closet door.

"Mama-no! Please understand..I don't enjoy being a boy...I can't feel comfortable-no. I don't feel comfortable being some stupid boy."

She quickly slapped her hand across his face, screaming profanities as she continued to abuse him.

After an hour, she left the room, slamming and locking the door behind her.

Dasher's hands were red, and a black eye stained his once clean skin.

Over the course of the next few months, the abuse continued. And somewhere in between that, dasher began to cut and burn himself to cope. Though his parents eventually found out, packed his things, and shoved him out the door in the rain.

Dasher felt defenseless, dizzy, exhausted, worthless. He was a horrible son. He couldn't even be the thing he was born to be.

A boy.

He couldn't be a boy. He couldn't be a basketball player or a mechanic. All because he identified as a girl.

He sat outside his parents house for a few minutes. He was wearing baggy jeans and a white t-shirt. Not exactly rain clothes, but he never expected his parents to hate him so much they'd kick him out.

He roamed the streets for a bit, before coming across someone. Or more of..someone found him sitting down in an alleyway and offered him shelter.

"Hello, I'm shellington." The boy introduced himself as he helped dasher up, handing him the umbrella as they walked to his house.
"I'm..dashi." She replied.
This was a new person. Someone who wouldn't view him as a boy. Someone who would view him as what he was comfortable as.

A girl.

A/n: skivid rizz
Word count: 813

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