The stupid octopod shutting down bc its old as fuck-dec.27-28,2023

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The octopod was going through the western Atlantic to visit one of peso's patients for the new years (because after Christmas they all agreed they needed a break from the other idiots)

Things were going smoothly, until the octopod broke down.

"Tweak?! What's happening?!" The captain shouted, everyone now looking at the mint rabbit.
"I'm not sure captain! Though I'll get to the bottom of it faster than you can say bunch of munchy crunchy carrots!" Tweak replied, immediately going to check the bubble engine.

"Uhh cap..the bubble converter has a few cracks in it. Building a new one could take 6-8 weeks." Tweak sighed, holding out the broken converter in her paws.

"We don't have six to eight weeks.."
"Tweak, put the converter back where it was."
"Put it back."
"..okay cap'n."

Tweak put the bubble converter back in, confused and also worried on what the outcome would be. But he knew he could trust the captain, the captain usually knows best.

Keyword: usually
Tweak knew what to do when it came to engineering. Sure the captain knew what to do, but he didn't know if he could trust barnacles while the octopod and their lives were at risk.

"Dashi, activate steering wheel!"
"Already on it, captain!"

The platform rose and barnacles hopped up onto it, and began steering the octopod manually until they were somewhere considered 'safe'

They landed a minute later, which was when the bubble converter gave out.

"Cap'n, the bubble converter has completely shattered." Tweak reported, holding what was left of the bubble converter in her paw.

"I've noticed. Since we just landed on a ledge." Barnacles muttered, now struggling to get out of the steering wheel pod.

"Tweak, is that the power of all of the devices on the octopod? Because now I can't get out of the steering wheel pod.
"Yeah, it was.."

"Vegimals, sound the octo alert. Vegimal style!" Kwazii ordered, pointing at the vegimals.

(One vegimal style octo-alert later)

"Octonauts, we need a new bubble converter, and I'm stuck in the steering wheel pod!" Barnacles shouted, leaning against the glass of the pod.

"Don't worry cap'n we'll have you out faster than Tweak can say buncha..muncha..cruncha..agh! You get it." Kwazii shouts to the captain, clearly failing to do the so called 'tongue twister' tweak is always able to do.

"Dashi, shellington, inkling, and the vegimals stay here and try to help me out of this pod. Tweak, Kwazii, and Peso will go find supplies for the bubble converter." Barnacles ordered, now trying to stomp his way out of the pod.

"Aye aye captain!"

With Tweak, Kwazii, and peso..

"Im glad the GUP-X can go on land." Peso smiled, standing behind the two drivers.
"Me too, I think this is our only GUP that can drive on land." Kwazii added, stopping the GUP.
"Nah, the GUP-K, and GUP-I, can, so can the GUP-A. It has ski mode, that's made for snow though." Tweak interfered as they all got out the GUP.

"I've never been in town before.." - peso
"You have, like when we went to the carnival, the park, the beach, grocery store, all those places. This is like our go-to town." Tweak explained while they all walked to the auto parts shop.

"Yo Al, you got a minute?" - tweak
"Sure I do, watcha need?" - Al
"Glass, and a battery." - tweak
"Battery is over there, and I have some glass in the back I can ring up for ya." - Al
"Alright, thanks Al!"
"No problem, tweak."

"Who was that?" Kwazii asked, tilting his head.
"My friend, Al. He runs this place and is quite the expert."tweak replied, walking over to the isle and grabbing a battery.
"That's quite a battery you got there tweak, are you sure you can carry it?" - peso
"Well can you carry it?"- tweak
"Then don't ask."

They paid for the supplies and walked out of the store, and headed back to the GUP-X

"Y'know you don't have to carry that all, that shit seems pretty heavy." Kwazii offered, though Tweak declined his offer almost immediately.

"Y'all are over Exaggerating, it is NOT that heavy. It may seem heavy to you guys because the only thing you carry is WEIGHT." - tweak
"WHAT...." - Kwazii
"..."- peso


"Have you guys thought of anything yet?" Kwazii asked, knowing the captain was uncomfortable in being in such a small room.

"Hey! I have an idea, what if we just- AH!" Peso began, though the bottom of the steering wheel pod broke and the captain fell down from it.

"So we may need some repairs.." - captain
"I can see that." - tweak

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