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When Ava awoke she was in a different room, lying on a table. The room was dimly lit. A computer monitor Beeped next to her. She was lying on a soft surface and was wearing a thin white gown and covered in a white blanket. She tried to move her arms and legs. But she realized that she was strapped down. She struggled to get her wings out from under her, relieved that they had not been surgically removed from her body like Tynons. They were held in a type of brace that kept them tucked. She was horrified. She pulled her head up to see the rest of what was around her. As she did so, there was a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She grimaced and lay her head back down. The monitor beside her beeped, catching her attention. A few wires connected her to the machine, monitoring her body temperature and heart rate.

Assistant Dale walked through the doors to the room, turning on the bright lights in the room, and started washing his hands. Ava squinted, as the lights blinded her.  He put on his usual gloves and headed for her.  With careful precision, he unhooked the monitor from Ava's small frame, taking off the wires that were attached to her neck and stomach. He then sat at a computer in the far corner and began entering in data. 

Ava lifted her head towards Dale, "what did you do?" She asked with great effort. 

Assistant Dale refused to look at poor Ava in the state that she was in, although she sensed some shame in his countenance. "Well,.. we extracted some of your eggs and... you had a bad reaction.  So we're just getting you back to normal." He sounded a little guilty as he stated the last part.

Ava, beyond terrified, breathed heavy. "Where's Kanza?!" She demanded. Dale sighed deeply. "I am not allowed to say".
He did not look at Ava. He finished up some typing and stood to walk out. Ava unleashed the rest of the tears that struggled to be free. She wanted so badly to be in the arms of Jordan. Heck, even Peter was a pleasant thought at this point, just someone who actually cared about her well being was better then these madmen. She just hoped that Kanza was okay.

A short while later, Doc. Howard walked in the room and took a seat in front of Ava. She shuddered at the sight of him.

"It looks like we were able to collect a nice selection of mature eggs. No doubt we'll have them planted in no time."

Ava continued in silence, no longer able to control the tears that stained her cheeks. She knew Howard wanted a reaction, so she just stared at the ceiling of the room.

"Fascinating, how a creature such as yourself carry's children in their womb." He paused, and sat up straight with his legs crossed. "I guess I just thought that little birdies, like yourself, layed eggs." He smiled smuggly and chuckled, folding his arms, sitting in silence for a few minutes. "You know Ava, if you just give me the location of your kind, we could just bypass all of this.... Heck, I may just let you and your friends go."

The thought of Jordan and Waters flooded her mind. "What did you do to them?" She managed to ask with clenched teeth.

"Oh yes, you're human buddies." He leaned in, "I don't think that Jordan fellow has much left in him."

Ava screamed, her bound wrists pulled hard at the restraints. Her usually strong wings pushed hard against the straps that locked them in place.

"Just give me the location Ava, and I'll let you have your human. Just give me the whereabouts of your kind."

Ava's heart hurt, she wanted to free Jordan. But she also wanted to keep her clan safe from Howard's claws. "NO!" She yelled. "Do what you want with me! Just let Jordan go!" She shouted with all that was left in her.

"Im afraid that won't be an option." Howard said as he stood tall. He leaned in and looked directly at Ava. "I guess I should congratulate you early on your soon to be baby bump then." He reached a cold finger near her and gently rubbed Ava's small abdomen, she tensed and grimaced in disgust, pain reverberated from her abdomen once again. He smirked as he exited the room, slamming the door.

Everything Ava had left was spent. She felt completely empty inside. She had given up. But at least her clan was safe. She closed her eyes and quietly died inside.

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