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Ava woke up feeling exhausted.  'was it a dream?' she thought as she cracked her eyes open.  It looked like a dark room except a dim light that sat to one side.  everything was blurry at first.  She sat up on what felt soft and padded.  A sharp sting radiated through her right wing as she extended it slightly.  she grimaced in pain and tucked it back to her side with her left arm,holding it gently.  "where am I?" She whispered as her eyes adjusted. 

A king sized bed sat in the center near the far wall.  Laying on top, a dark human figure was asleep in the center, his arms dangling down the side. 

She immediately reached for her dagger, but it was no where to be found.  she searched the mass of cotton under her, but it was gone.  "no." she whispered frantically.  She inched closer to the edge of the table she appeared to be on. Immediately she was hit with a wall of glass that prevented her from walking any further.  she moved to all four sides, and met the same glass wall.  Frightened, she peered up to see a screen covering the entire top with, what looked like a metal weight. 

Ava looked up with her small hands pressed to the glass.  Her breathing was frantic, but she remained calm.  Taking a few deep breaths, she jumped as high as she could (being an Avian meant you were lighter and capable of jumping larger distances than that of a human).  Her fingers caught the screen, and she dangled, trying to reach the corner of the screen furthest from the weight.  It looked as though she could pry it open.  Ever so quietly and after a deep breath she grabbed the ledge of the glass box and pushed the screen upward with her body. She glanced over at the sleeping human, afraid that she might wake him. With all of her strength she lifted the grate.  But a few seconds second later heard a thud, as the heavy weight hit the floor beneath the desk. 

Eyes huge, she looked as the dark figure on the bed jolted awake from the sudden sound. With a gasped, he jumped off his bed towards Ava!

Afraid for her life, she jumped onto the desk, trying to run away from the human darting after her.  Without thinking, she dove off the desk, only after, realizing her injury. Ava winced in pain as she extended her wings, struggling in the air, trying to avoid sudden impact. 

Then the intensity of the situation ceased, as a mass of hands quickly broke her fall.  She landed face down onto a warm palm, her feet dangling off the sides.  Another hand moved to cradle the rest of her. 

She was only seconds from hitting the ground, but thanks to this human, she hadn't.

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