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A month went by. 

Peter had moved to a rural location in Oregon. He began an off grid life style just for Kanza.  So she could feel safe. They lived far from the pressing eyes of the public.   Kanza had plenty to hunt, and sometimes Peter cooked meals using the ingredients she found in the woods.  They both loved each other very much.  Their favorite thing is to lay in the grass and watch the stars.  Kanza had never truly felt safe in wide open spaces, especially at night.  But Peter gave her a safety that was freeing to her, and now she was never alone.

Waters started a  project to preserve the land in the surrounding areas.  Calling it 'vital to protecting the inhabitants within.'  Surprisingly he was also an artist and would depict  the avians with their many colorful wings.  Deep down inside he wished he could have studied the Avian race a little more before the closure of the facility.  But he was content with preserving their home and glad that all of them were safe now. 

Jordan started working a part time job as a ranger for the nearby redwood park.  Late at the end of his shifts he would sit at the park bench that he previously used to, and wait for a sign that all he had been through with Ava wasn't a lie.  He had hoped that they were still in the area, and that they knew he had come.  He would leave gifts, including cookies, and beautiful beads for the Avians.  Every time he would come in the morning the gifts would be gone, and a new gift would be left in its place.  A handful of wild berries, or something meticulously crafted by the woodland material.  It always brought a smile to Jordan's face.  But deep down, his soul hurt.  He couldn't let go of Ava.  He had loved her more than anything.  Another month went by.  One night as Jordan sat at the bench.  He pulled out a beautiful rose and held it in his hand.  Twirling it with his fingers.  His posture was slumped.  He took a deep breath and almost decided to leave when he heard a rustling in the branches above. 

He paused and waited, hoping it was Ava.  Before his eyes he beheld an old Avian that flew silently toward him, landing on the ground in front of him.  It was Warren.  Jordan gasped and sat up in the bench curious to see why the Avian came.

"Jordan." His voice was filled with wisdom.  "Ava loves you."  Jordan wiped a tear that began to trickle down.  He love her too! It was reassuring to hear, after so long of waiting.  "I have tried to make her see sense in staying with the clan."  Jordan looked down and nodded, trying to understand what he was hearing. 

"...and.... She won't listen."  Jordan let out a muffled laugh, remembering how stubborn she could be.  "...because I love her, Jordan......I.... I want her to be happy."  Jordan continued to watch, trying to decipher what he meant by that.  There was a moment of silence. 

..."So she can stay with you from now on."

Jordan's eyes widened and he smiled from ear to ear, as he saw Ava glide down from the tree line onto Jordans lap.  Her  black hair was now longer, and flowed down to her waist.   She had braided it in pigtails.  She wore a tan colored dress that had slits on the side, revealing parts of her thigh.  The beads that Jordan had left for her had been sewn in the dress, creating a beautiful pattern of green and white on her torso. 

Jordan couldn't contain himself.  He scooped her up into his hands and pulled her close to his chest.  Warren looked worried for a second, until he realized that she was crying happy tears.  They embraced for what seemed like forever.  Not even needing to say anything.  Jordan realized that she had been wanting to see him.  It was her, that every night, who would leave gifts for him.  She also wanted to respect her stepfathers wishes though, for it was him who had trusted Peter and saved them from the greedy hands of Howard.  Jordan held Ava to his heart. 

"Promise me, that you will take care of her...." Asked the elder Avian. 

"With my life!"  Responded Jordan.  With that, Warren smiled and gave Ava one last hug goodbye.  With one strong beat of his wings he took off back into the dark of the forest.  Ava flew back into Jordan's arms and they went home together. 


The next morning, Ava lay in a tangled mess, and her braids were starting to burst.  She stretched and yawned. Feeling for Jordan who she expected to be snuggled beside her, but he was not.  Worried, she sat up and called for him.  A light rain pattered the roof of Jordan's home.  A smell of warm wild berries filled Ava's nose.  It comforted her and made her hungry at the same time.  She sat up and stretched her wings.  The tips had already began to grow, and she could fly decently.  She had been able to jump from to limb to limb while she waited to see Jordan in the park. After she was taken back home, she rested and healed from the physical and emotional trauma of Doctor Howard and his men.  But now, she never had to feel her heart ache for Jordan.   Warren had tried to convince her to stay with the clan, to take her place as leader.  But it pained him to see Ava so sad all the time.  Something was missing from her life that hadn't been there before.  But Tynons words seemed to stick, he told Warren, "A broken heart can't lead the people. But a whole heart can heal a father."  Warren finally understood what Ava needed most.  That was to be with the human, Jordan. 

As it turned out, Fawn was a year younger than Ava, and he was rewarded for his bravery, voluntarily  risking his life for Ava and Kanza.  Warren asked if he would be the next clan leader and Fawn accepted the call to lead.  'The clan will be alright.' Thought Ava as she stared into the gentle rain outside the window.  From her brow she could see the tops of her forest and It brought her peace. 

"Hungry?" Jordan popped his head into the bedroom and carried a tray of food.  He placed it on the bed in front of Ava.  There were mini hand pies with fresh wild berries baked in and some slices of bacon, which Jordan grabbed and bit into.  Ava looked up at him and smiled wide.  Jordan sat close to her and stroked her soft feathers, and ruffled her braids even more.  "Hey!" She teased, grappling his hand and holding it close.  Jordan just chuckled and finished his bacon. 
"Thank you." He said warmly. 
"Jordan, I never want to be without you." Ava spoke softly.  She reached for a small hand pie.  They were warm and smelled sweet.  She took a bite and the berries burst in her mouth.  The flavor was indescribable.  Just like the feelings that she had for Jordan.  They both watched the rain as it trickled down the window pane.  A human and an Avian. 

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