Chapter 28: Deal

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Orchidia lead us to the second floor of this mansion and we enter in a spacious room full of books and documents, I can see some used plate with some grains still in it, she must eating them.

I look at the documents and read it and it's a documents about rebuilding some parts of the town and make it some milling for the grains they farm and I can see that the budget is not enough so it's still in plan.

"Please sit anywhere you like, uhm Kyrie right? Do you want some food?" She offers but I can see that she doesn't have any.

"Ah, no thanks, I have no appetite." I rejected her offer.

"Too bad, anyway what is your real purpose in this town?" Straight to the point huh.

"As I said before we need a settlement but my companion here is not a human race and this Kingdom is known for being a human supremacist so you know the story." I respond.

"Hmm... I see, where did you came from anyway?" She sit in desk while asking me.

"I need your trust first before I can tell you that."

"Well, fair enough." She said with wry smile. "So, did you see something in this town that you deem worth to stay?" She said with keen eye looking at me directly in my eyes.

"How can you say that?" I ask her because I'm curious.

"You see when I saw you, you are eager to to talk to me about staying here, this town has nothing to offer, people who only hunt small monsters and farm some grains, there is no really value in this town but you have a clear mind to stay here despite that reasons." She got me, this woman evaluation is scary.

"Alright, but I want to have a contract with you if you really want to know what I aim in here, this is actually a huge help for you and your people." I stand staring towards her looking her face to face, she got flustered with my sudden action. "If you agree with me, we might prosper."

"Oh my... " She suddenly caress my cheeks that made me surprise "you are so pretty, but that's not how you negotiate my dear." She smile at me. "If you want negotiation, first you need to give out your valuable offer, you only give some vague speculation, do you really think that I will give in because you give me your charming smile? I'm the lord here and I'm handling the lives of people here, I can't just agree to some people I just meet with their empty promises, if you want a negotiation give me a reason I cannot reject." This woman really knows how to handle people, I thought she will just give in if I tell her she might become prosper but I underestimate her.

"You really are a lord here, I give up, I will now be serious." I said becoming dejected thinking my charm is deteriorating.

"Thank you." She said still caressing my cheeks then my two companion look at her hands then Orchidia hurriedly take out her hands.

"Ahm... Okay to tell you the truth I just found out this valuable information." I give her the milky white rock that old man give me.

"Oh, the white rock, what about this?" She ask, so she doesnt really know the value of this.

"Have you ever eat a meat in the capital? Or just any dish." I ask her.

"Well, yeah, I am from capital after all."

"What are the taste?"

"Hmm... Not much different from here, the only difference is they got spices in there, tho it's expensive but the regular one is the same from here, they taste like meat."

"Right Milady, The meat in the Capital is the same as here, the only difference is on how you cook them, mostly the way to cook outside the city is grilled, but in the capital they can roast them or  boiling them to make them soft and easy to eat and they add spices to the soup to make add flavor." Salvia join our conversation and Orchidia agreed with her.

"I see, now lets go grilled some meat so everyone can eat for now." I demand. "Can you show us to your kitchen?" I ask Orchidia and she have this weird look at me.

"Uhm... What is the relation of this from your offer to me?" She ask with a hint of suspicion.

"Ah, it's easy to explain if I show you." I said so she have no choice and lead us towards the kitchen.

Together with my companion, Matilda and Killy grilled some meat that we have, Killy is enjoying the grilling as Matilda teaches her how to grill, also Matilda is now the teacher of Killy because she wanted to be helpful to me.

"Now everybody please eat." I offer them.

"Hmm... Yeah it's taste like meat..." Orchidia said while chewing the meat, but now I show them some magic.

First I wrapped the white rocka in cloth then smash them with the mace of Dhilia... I know I'm weak the reason why I can't really crush the white rock to small pieces. "Salvia" I just say her name and she already know what I'm trying to do. She also use the mace of Dhilia and the white rock have been pulverized without so much strength, she really is powerful.

"It's done Milady." She give me the cloth with the crushed white rock.

"Thank you Salvia." I said and caress her hands, she make a blush face after I did that.

I pinch some of the white rock that become a small granules and sprinkles them to the grill meat, everyone surprised of my action.

"What are you doing, why did you sprinkle the rock bits in the food?" Orchidia complaint to me and scolded like a mother but I ignore her then offer the food.

"Please try it now." I said and everyone hesitated, but Salvia and Mila the one who are most loyal to me didn't hesitate and grab some meat piece sprinkled with white rock granules.

After tasting everyone look at them with anticipation.

"No way... The taste become different, the flavor of the meat have enhance..." Salvia tried to define the new flavor that got in her palate.

Everyone got curious on what Salvia is saying and taste the meat and everyone eyes got surprised.

"Yeah, I can feel that the meat taste is enhance, it feel something sharp in the taste." Orchidia tried to define the taste.

"Yeah, you are feeling now is the saltiness, its a seasoning that enhance the flavor of any dish, you can also use this to preserve any meat, tho too much and you may dehydrate and feel thirsty, so I advice you to use it in little." I said and also taste the meat, yup having a seasoning to food really change the way you eat it.

"Kyrie... So this is what you mean... I see." Orchidia looking at the meat then me like she already know what I'm trying to do.

"So, do we have a deal now?" I eat the meat and smile at her. She widen her eyes then close them then her lips rise a little while also eating the meat. We have a silent agreement.

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