"𝘐𝘵𝘴 𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨!"

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"Holy shit guys! It's snowing!" Aiden yelled.

It was about 1 AM. They had all been up because of the trip to the phantom dimension, and because Taylor and Aiden wanted to bake cookies. So now that they were done they were going to head to sleep, but Aiden saw snow.

"When was the last time we got snow?!" Taylor asked, practically pressing her face against the window to look outside.

"Maybe.. a year or two ago?" Tyler replied, sitting up. He was the first to go back to sleep which was surprising.

"You guys don't get snow every year?" Aiden turned, raising a brow.

"No? Didn't know Virginia had any snow." Taylor replied.

"I mean, only certain parts of Georgia get snow, Aiden." Logan responded, also sitting up finding his glasses.

"Ohmygod we should go outside! There's at least enough for us to have a snowball fight." Aiden jumped over the couch going to find shoes.

"I didn't bring any snow weather stuff, and I am not getting my pants soaked." Ashlyn grumbled, lying back down. When Ashlyn opened her eyes, she saw Taylor and Aiden looking down at her.

"I have extra clothes, Ashlyn!" Taylor smiled. "They would be a little bit bigger for you, but you'd be fine."

"And you can borrow this hoodie. It doesn't fit me anymore." Aiden said tossing a hoodie her direction.

"I just wanted to get out of going outside." She thought. Ashlyn grumbled as she got up, pulling the hood over her head. Then she went to go put her boots on.

"That's the snowy spirit!" Aiden smiled, and opened up the sliding glass door. Ben and Logan followed, then the twins, and Ashlyn was last. She stepped in the footsteps of the people before her, pulling the hood over her head. She could see her breath breathed she exhaled.

"It's freezing." Ashlyn looks over—no one heard her for the fact, they had already started throwing snow balls at each other. Taylor and Aiden against the other three. Ashlyn just watched. It was nice. It was nice to watch everyone being teens again. Not worrying. Ashlyn watched as Tyler threw a snowball towards Aiden, and hit him. Aiden quickly bent down and grabbed a clump of snow, not even trying to shape it properly before throwing it at Tyler. Ashlyn blinked and watched this cycle repeat before looking at the other three. Taylor against Logan and Ben. Instead of paying attention to the way they threw the snow. Ashlyn focused on everyone's hands. How their hands got increasingly redder the more snow they touched, even shook sometimes. Before Ashlyn could look up, she felt something hit her head. Cold, and hard.

"Damn Aiden, your aim sucks." Tyler commented. Ashlyn looked up after brushing the snow off of her face. Aiden was smiling, but frozen in place from the position he stood in. (Kind of like when Ashlyn yelled at them during that one ep)

"Real nice!" Ashlyn began stepping forward before looking at the snow. She bent down and grabbed a clump, shaping it into a ball, before throwing it at Aiden. Aiden quickly ducked.

"Hey! I'm on your side! It's gotta be 3 against 3!! not 2 against 4!" Aiden yelled. Obviously not in a mean way.

"Mhmm, I think I'd rather pelt snowballs at you than with you." Ashlyn's lips curved into a small smile. And everyone stopped. Ashlyn blankly stared at them. "What..?"

"Nothing! Just continue! Ben, join our side!" Taylor's confused face turned quickly into a smile, waving for him to come over. Ben reluctantly went over and then the snowball fight began again.

It had been an hour since the kids went outside. All shaking when they went back in. Ashlyn held her hands together, her fingers, and knuckles bright red. She cuffed them to her mouth and started blowing hot arm into them.

"What exactly possessed us to go outside in snow, without any actual jackets on." Logan asked, wiping the fog from his glasses away.

"Aiden, and Taylor." Tyler grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Taylor, before grabbing his own and crashing on the couch next to her.

"I don't think I've been this cold in my life." Ashlyn shivered and cuddled herself up. Only her bangs, eyes, and the bridge of her nose could be seen from the blanket. Ashlyn could see from her make-shift blanket cocoon, Taylor and Tyler leaning against each other trying to warm up, Ben and Logan together on the floor with blankets over them, and Aiden was laying by the feet of Taylor and Tyler.

There was one thing on Ashlyn's mind as she stayed there. Just one thing. She was glad that all they were for that hour outside, was a group of teens having fun. Just fun. Not worrying about anything

Finally being teenagers, and having fun.

Words- 900
Authors note— I'm excited to start this oneshot, as I LOOOOVE school bus graveyard. Do expect more chapters, but also remember, I'm still in high school and work piles up quickly (as I am writing this I'm am suppose to be doing 2 essays..) I'll try to update a quickly as possible, but because it's me, don't expect updates every day or week. Though SBG is updated every week, so possibly updates might be more frequent.

School Bus Graveyard
by Lilredbeany on WEBTOON.

𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘉𝘶𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥 || 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now