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[TW: Emetophobia(obivously)]

Ashlyn's P.O.V

It's been.. a while since Aiden has came to school.

One and a half weeks.

I've asked Ben about him a few times, but he's such said he's busy.
Aiden literally follows me around like a dog, he definitely wouldn't miss school for being busy, and even so, he'd still be knocking at my window at night.

Even when we're in the phantom dimension, he barely talks.
Which is extremely weird.

I'm planning on going over there tonight after dance.
I've only told Ben, and I told him not to tell Aiden that I'm coming over.
Knowing him, if he knew, he'd tried to look okay.

Sometimes, I think Aiden is too careless with himself.
I get that he lives for the thrill of things.
But.. when it comes to things that harm him, he just.. doesn't care.
And I hate that.

I grabbed my jacket, throwing it over my sweatshirt.
It was late enough that my parents were asleep, but, if I stayed long enough, I'd definitely have to go back after twelve.

It was about a fifteen minute walk to Aiden house.
Since I normally walk around the bus graveyard, to not get caught by my parents if they happened to wake up.
And I mean, I normally don't sneak out—but this was important.

I don't understand HOW Aiden always climbs in through my window, because I could barely get down.
Getting up is going to be so much fun.

Aiden's P.O.V

I was laying in the bathroom.
Bottled water by my head, and a blanket lying over me.
I was holding my stomach so tight, I actually thought I was going to dig into my skin and make myself bleed.
Which, I would rather do that, than be like this.

"Aiden, my god are you okay?" My father yelled.

I was sick, again.
And of course, this time, again, I got the stomach bug.

I hate it.
I hate the stomach bug.

I'll be honest, not many things scare me,
not even death..
But throwing up?
I would actually rather die.

"Daniel! Will you leave the poor boy alone. You know how he can get." My mother, Jessica passed by.
She was always snarky when it came to me being sick, normally I over exaggerate.
When I get the stomach bug, it's actually like I'm dying.

I hate it so much.
I hate the feeling of my stomach twisting and turning.
I hate the feeling of my stomach forcefully pushing out the food I've consumed.

I've asked Ben to not tell the group why I'm not at school.
It's just..
Aiden Clark being scared of throwing up?
They don't know me like that.
They know me as the type to not give a shit.
They don't need to know that I have emetophobia.
Only Ben.

Once again, I was helplessly lying on the floor.
At least once a year I get the bug, and I always dread it.
I almost go through the winter without it, but it hit me a week and a half ago.
And to no surprise, after it, I couldn't eat.
So my parents kept me home.
And now I've gotten it again.

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