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We're all use to the group bickering from time to time.
It's a normal thing, all groups do it.
And for the fact we're all forced to be a group, it doesn't help.

Since we all started self defense training with Ashlyn's parent's,
Ever since the night we got the jeep,
I think we've gotten closer.

Then, we were brought to this containment facility.
We're focused on trying to survive.
Find a way out.
While Logan, Ben, Ashlyn and I are searching around, we left Aiden and Tyler behind, since; issue.
One has a hole through his stomach, and the other has a major head injury.

So we all, even them, agreed it would be safer to stay in Ashlyn's containment room.
But if we knew that would end in disaster, I don't think we would've.

I'm not sure what even went down.
But all of the sudden the walkie-talkie turned on and over the radio, we heard Tyler and Aiden arguing.

"Aiden, shut up."

"You LITERALLY admitted don't even!"

"You idiot! That's not what I said!"

"No, no that's exactly what you said!"

"You absolute—"

The radio cut out, leaving us there.

"Tyler?! Aiden?!" Ashlyn pressed the button on the talkie, trying to get in contact with them.
"Guys?! Answer, damnit!"

Ashlyn waited.
We all did.

"..That sounded, physical." Logan looked around, holding the gun up as he searched for phantoms.

"Should we head back?" I suggested.
"Incase.. it.. is. They're both injured."

"Right. We'll head back." Ashlyn rubbed her head.

What in the hell did those two get into?

When we got back into the room, Tyler was sitting on the bed, scowling, and Aiden was sitting on the other side of the room.

"What the hell are you two up to." Ashlyn asked, staring at the two.
"What was up with the radio and the arguing."

It was silent for a moment.

"I'm sick of Aiden pushing everyone's boundaries." Tyler finally answered.

"No. No that is not what you said." Aiden turned his head to him. His wound from the ceiling still bleeding slightly.
"You said 'I'm sick of you pushing Ashlyn's boundaries all the time!'"

"I did not!" Tyler quickly backlashed. He stood up, the white blood stained shirt he was wearing turning a little redder by the stomach.

"Tyler sit down!" I yelled, walking over to him.

"Can we stop yelling with the door open? The damn phantoms will hear us!" Logan backed up, waiting for Ben to close the door.

"Tyler admit it, you're in love with Ashlyn!" Aiden grinned, gripping the wheelchair he was sitting in.

"Oh, like you're not?!" Tyler pushed against Taylor's hand keeping him down.

"Hey, you're not denying it!" Aiden pointed out like a child winning a game.

"Aiden, shut the hell up! This is not the time."

"You started it!"

"Neither are you."

It went silent again.
I looked over at Ashlyn, whose ears were red.
She looked shocked, but pissed at the two.
Logan looked visibly uncomfortable, but trying to remain his composure, and Ben was keeping Aiden in the wheelchair.

"Exactly." Tyler managed after an uncomfortable long silence.

Everyone was visibly uncomfortable. No one knew how to act, what to say.

"I think we all need to, just, calm down." Ben's phone spoke. He looked at Logan and Ashlyn, then at Aiden, and finally with a glare at Tyler.

"Ben's right." Logan moved his shoulders, sitting down on the table. Ashlyn followed suite, staying silent.
I wanna know what she's thinking.

After 20 minutes of uncomfortable silence, I got up.

"Taylor where are you going." Ashlyn looked up.

"Logan, Ben, we're going. This isn't our problem to deal with." I opened the door, not bothering to check for phantoms—thank god there wasn't any or I would've regretted everything.

"Woah, no, you're not leaving me here with them." Tyler spoke up.

"We've got the walkie-talkie, just radio us when you're finished bickering."

"Taylor is this really a good idea?" Logan asked.

Was it?
No absolutely not, but I wasn't going to sit in uncomfortable silent with death glares being shot at people.

So I left. Along with Ben and Logan.
We just decided to sit in a room not too far away.
Thank god Logan brought the gun with him.. I thought he left it in the room with the other three.
He didn't.. so we don't have to worry about that.

By the time we went back, (once Ashlyn told us we could)
When we got back in, Aiden was still sitting where he was, but it was clear he was just happy, and not being.. insanely happy. To the point where we thought he was genuinely going to try something.
I looked over, seeing Ashlyn and Tyler sitting on the bed. She was helping him rebandage up himself.. she was failing miserably.
We need to sign her up for medical lessons.

"Ben. Please help me before I accidentally make him bleed out." Ashlyn looked over, straight, annoyed face as normal. But this time blood on her hands.
"Seriously, please."

Ben nodded, and immediately went to help.

It was almost time for us to wake back up.
10 minutes.
I'm glad that those three resolved their issues. Whatever that was.
I'm curious though, if the two weren't injured.. would they have fought? None of them looked.. beat up (more than what those two already are.)

We're a group.. so bickering was bound to happen.
A group forced together over a field trip.
But bickering over a girl? Didn't think that would happen.

We're a group.
We're friends.

Words- 980
Authors note— HEYYY. LONG TIME.. RIGHT? So requested by my sweet pea, Goldii!! This is honestly kind of shit, but I'm so tired so I'll edit this in the morning and just post the changes later.

School Bus Graveyard
by Lilredbeany on WEBTOON.

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