𝘚𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱 [𝘗𝘛. 1]

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Quick note: we're gonna say (for the sake of my sanity) that the limit distance isn't a thing.. just because I don't wanna go through the headache of that all. They still somehow wake up in the graveyard every night (do not ask how.)

Aiden had suggested to the group about his parents bringing everyone on a snowboarding and skiing trip. Ashlyn was convinced her parents would say no. Why would they want their kid going out of the state with a group of kids she suddenly started hanging out with? They would say no, right?

They in fact did not say no.

Ashlyn looked at the cabin. It was big. And snow was everywhere. She wasn't expecting this—even with considering that Aiden's parents are rich.

"Thanks again Mrs. and Mr. Clark for bringing all of us!" Taylor shouted, grabbing her bags out of the back. Her and Tyler already had began unpacking the 3 cars that the Clark's had brought up.

"Am I bunking with Tay and Ashlyn?" Lily asked, looking up from her tablet. Ben picked her up, and looked at his mother.

"That's up to Ashlyn and Taylor sweetie." Naomi, Ben's mother, told Lily, helping Jessica with bags.

"I don't mind! Ashlyn, you?" Taylor looked at Ashlyn.

"..I'm kind of use to only bunking with one person." Ashlyn mumbled. She liked Lily, but Ashlyn was already uncomfortable going on the trip, and she didn't want to bunk with someone else other than Taylor. "Plus.. no offense, but Taylor, we are 16."

"Ashlyn, it's not a problem if you don't want to, there's enough rooms for everyone." Jessica smiled, and began walking to the front door of the cabin. Ashlyn frowned but eventually grabbed her own bags and walked towards the cabin as well.

When Ashlyn said this cabin was big.. that was an understatement. For a cabin it was massive. 3 stories. Jessica had already assigned rooms to the 6 kids.

Taylor and Ashlyn had the guest bedroom that was on the third floor. The room was a beige color with a Christmas tree in one of the corners. There were two beds, both only with sheets on them. There was carpet on the floor, and a small walk in closet.

"I forget how much money Aiden's parents have..." Taylor sighed, starting to hang her clothes in the closet.

"Two weeks of this.. Two weeks." Ashlyn grumbled. She was dreading every day. She didn't know how to ski, or snowboard. And on top of that, she was not going to get a moment to herself.

"It's lot gonna be that bad, Ashlyn!" Taylor encouraged, and walked out of the closet. Then, Tyler walked in. He had 2 large bags that looked like boxes.

"Hey, idiots, here's your boots and snow gear." Tyler placed the bags down, and began to leave.

"Are our board downstairs?" Taylor asked, going to grab her bag. Tyler nodded, then left. "Ashlyn, I'm honestly surprised you're snowboarding. You don't know a thing about it." Taylor chuckled, as she began to unpack her snow gear.

"Neither do you or Tyler." Ashlyn grabbed her bag, setting it by the foot of her bed.

"False. My family use to go on a trip every winter break up to a ski restore. It's been a few years, but I know how to snowboard." Taylor smiled. She began to put her hair into a ponytail after she had put all of her stuff away. "Now, I'm gonna go meet everyone else downstairs." Taylor then left. Ashlyn stood there, rubbing her temples.

What did she get herself into.

Aiden, Ben, Tyler, and Logan all got shoved into a pretty big room on the third floor together. It was right around the corner from Ashlyn's and Taylor's room. And on the bright side, there was a pretty big living room that had a fake fire place and a TV for the group to sit by at night.

Aiden hadn't bothered getting his stuff unpacked, instead, he was helping everyone find everything. Considering this cabin was his parents, he knew everything about it. Logan was sitting on his bed, looking at his phone. Tyler was unpacking everyone's stuff, organizing it in the shared closet and dresser.

"Tyler, why are you unpacking our stuff?" Logan quested, looking at the male. Tyler shrugged and continued to do so.

"Because. I'd rather organize it. Ben if you wanna help you can." Tyler looked up at Ben, as he nodded, going to help Tyler.

"Aiden, when are we going to go out on the hills?" Logan asked. Aiden looked at his phone.

"Well, I know my parent's are going to want to make sure everyone is fed and well settled in before we go.. so I'd say 4. Everyone but Logan knows how to ski, and or snowboard, right?" Aiden asked the 3. Tyler nodded, and so did Ben.

"I know Ashlyn doesn't." Logan showed Aiden his phone. "She was texting me about it yesterday."

"Then I'll teach her, Ben and his sister can teach you how to ski."

"I'm gonna be taught by a 10 year old." Logan blankly stared at Aiden.

"There's always a kid somewhere doing it better than you." Aiden laughed and shrugged, walking out of the room. "I'm gonna go check on the other two."

Aiden walked over to Ashlyn's and Taylor's room, peeking his head in. He looked around, realizing both of them weren't in there. He chuckled a little, and walked over to the loft area of the third floor, looking down onto the second to see if the two were down there. They weren't. Aiden started to walk down the stairs, going to the second floor, before going to the first. He walked into the living room, seeing Ashlyn sitting on the couch with her feet on the coffee table. Taylor was laying across her lap with Lily laying with her.

"Hey you guys." Aiden smiled, leaning over the back of the couch. Ashlyn turned her head to look at Aiden, pushing her lips into a line.

"You found us," Ashlyn went back to her phone. Taylor sat up, holding Lily.

"You guys finally ready?" Taylor asked, looking over at Aiden.

"Nah, Ty is still bossing the other 2 around upstairs." Aiden went to go sit by Taylor, looking at Lily. "Excited to go skiing again, Lils?"

"Yeah! Mom got me new skis!" Lily smiled, getting out of Taylor's hands. "Wanna see them? They're purple!"

"Yeah I'll come see." Aiden got up as quick as he sat down, following Lily.

"He's so good with kids.." Taylor mumbled.

"Yeah, that's shocking. I would expect him to dislike kids or something." Ashlyn shrugged. She heard more voices, seeing the parents talking in the kitchen.

"I wonder when we're going out.. they said we would go after we were all done unpacking." Taylor frowned, laying back down on Ashlyn's lap.

"Yeah.." Ashlyn went back on her phone. She watched as the time went by so quickly. Almost like it didn't matter.

And before Ashlyn knew it, the whole group, including lily and the 4 parents were standing at the bottom of the hills. Ashlyn had one foot strapped into her snowboard, and was watching as Logan struggled to put his skis on.

What the hell did she get herself into.

Words- 1277
Authors note—THIS TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN EXPECTED... haha lol. Erm so I probably won't post this week, maybe tomorrow because I have a cool concept that I wanna post but I probably won't get it out in time. If anything, I'll post next week, teehee.

School Bus Graveyard
by Lilredbeany on WEBTOON.

𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘉𝘶𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥 || 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now