𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭

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"Goddamnit!" Ashlyn yelled, slamming her hand of uno cards on the table. "HOWWW?!"

"I'm just great at uno." Tyler shrugged and placed his last card down. Ashlyn glared at him as she grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them again.

"Do you have to play another round." Taylor whined and laid her head down.

"Literally, Tyler has us all up by 23 games. Ashlyn, you're not gonna win against him." Aiden also had his head on the table, but he was looking at Ashlyn; admiring her.

"Fine. Tyler wins." Ashlyn threw the deck into the packaging and folded it up. She stood up from the table and crossed her arms. For the first time, she wasn't wearing green. She had red sweatpants and a white shirt that had "Gingerbraid" on it, her hair was braided and done up in a bun. Ashlyn began to walk towards the living room, sitting down in her spot.

"Hey, let's open gifts!" Taylor smiled, and headed towards the living room. Ashlyn looked at Taylor, giving a slight nod.

"GIFTS??" Aiden yelled, jumping over the back of the couch, and landing next to Ashlyn, before falling into his spot. He stared up at Taylor, who was smiling. Soon, Tyler, Ben, and Logan joined the circle.

"Okay, so, I had Ben for secret Santa." Taylor grabbed a small gift box from behind her and handed it to Ben. "But I did end up getting everyone something."

"Every hand there gifts to who you got." Tyler reached towards Logan, and gave him a small box wrapped in Christmas tree wrapping paper.

Ben reached for Tyler, handing him a present.
Aiden reached for Taylor.
Logan reached for Ashlyn.
And Ashlyn slowly handed Aiden a gift.

One by one, everyone opened their gifts.
Taylor got a pou.
Logan got a sweater.
Tyler got a baseball bat.
Ben got wireless earbuds.
Ashlyn got black cargo pants, and ballet shoes.

Finally Aiden. Ashlyn watched as he ripped the wrapping paper, opening it to a white box. He opened the box to see a green sweatshirt with smily faces embroidered on the sleeves. In the box there was a red handmade bracelet and a sliver necklace that had an "A" on the chain, and a red crystal. Aiden looked at the bracelet.

"Look.. I after I did the sweatshirt, I realized I should've gotten you more so I made you a bracelet and a necklace.." Ashlyn breathed, hoping that he liked it.

"Ashlyn you made the sweatshirt?" Taylor asked.

"Well, I did the smily faces.. which were a pain in the ass.." Ashlyn rubbed her face. "The bracelet—I don't know if it'll fit you, I measured my dad's wrist for it."

"It's beautiful, Ash." Aiden held the neck up. "What's the 'A' for? Ashlyn?"

"It's stands for 'Aiden', Aiden." Ashlyn narrowed her eyes and looked at the sweatshirts sleeves. "My mom helped me with the smily faces. So it's a little wonky."

"That's impressive, Ashlyn. Never knew you had so much talent." Tyler admitted, and inspected his bat. Ben held up his earbuds and nodded, smiling at Taylor.

"That sounded like a back handed compliment." Taylor added, looked at her own gift. "Aiden I quite literally [as a friend] love you."

"Figured you would." Aiden smiled and shrugged.

After a while, everyone had left the living room, but Ashlyn. She was searching through her bag, noticing a gift box. That definitely wasn't in there before. She picked it up, and looked at the tag.

To: Ashlyn
From: Aiden :)

Ashlyn inhaled, and went to go tear the wrapping paper off. She stopped and looked at the stairs. Everyone had gone upstairs into Aiden's room to play some games. Ashlyn went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up.

"Hey, Aiden? Can you help me find something?"

"I thought you were grabbing something out of your bag?" Aiden shouted back. A door opened and Aiden's head peeked around the corner.

"Just get down here. I need help." Ashlyn narrowed her eyes, and frowned. Aiden laughed and ran down the stairs. He stopped in front of Ashlyn. "The gift box."

"What?" Aiden chuckled, and slowly put two and two together. "Oh! That. Did you open it?"

"I called you down here for that." Ashlyn shook the box gently in her hand, gently because she wasn't sure if it would break.

"Open it." Aiden insisted. Ashlyn eyed him for a moment as she peeled the paper off.

A ring box

Ashlyn looked up at him.

"It's not a ring, I swear." Aiden then gestured for her to open it. Ashlyn opened the box seeing a crescent moon pendant on a sliver chain.

"Aiden?" She looked up at him confused. Aiden brought his hand up to his neck and pulled out a gold chain, that had a sun on it.

"Taylor helped me pick the necklace out.. she said you represented to moon in a way.. it was a matching set and I couldn't find anything else to get you so.. I just took the sun pendant." Aiden looked away, his cheeks red. "They connect too.. like those cheesy best friend ones."

"You mean the ones you and Taylor have?" Ashlyn laughed and inspected the pendant closer. "Here.."

"Huh?" Aiden then felt a tug around his neck. Ashlyn had grabbed his necklace and hers, connecting them.

"I'm guess Taylor also noticed you.. in a way, represent the sun? You're almost never out of energy." Ashlyn then disconnected the necklaces and clip hers around her neck. "Thank you, Aiden."

"No problem, Ash." Aiden smiled. "Well, Taylor was the one who—"

"Shut up, let me act like you knew what you were doing." Ashlyn inhaled and grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs to meet the others.

Merry Christmas!!

Words- 991
Authors note— MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!! Other than, I hope you liked this one, I have nothing to say. Teehee.

School Bus Graveyard
by Lilredbeany on WEBTOON.

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