𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴

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"By saying something stupid like, I love you."
[^ hint for a different OneShot.. hehe]

Ashlyn rolled her eyes, turning off the radio in the hallway.
She didn't understand romance songs.
They were all over the radio.
She heard them all the time.
She danced to them all the time.

She never understood the point of them.
Why would you make love songs about someone?

Ashlyn laced her boots up, stomping her feet into them more.
She fixed her brown cargo pants and grabbed her backpack.
She could feel the straps cutting into her bare shoulders from the sheer wait of all the binders.
She walked out the door, closing it shut as she left.

Ashlyn waited for the bus, rocking back and forth on her heels.
She should've broken these boots in a while ago.
But she didn't, and she knew they're going to kill her feet.

As the bus came to a stop, Ashlyn walked on.
She immediately spotted Aiden, who was talking to someone across the aisle.
Ashlyn sat down in her seat, immediately feeling someone touch her shoulder.

Aiden's hand.

"What do you need?" Ashlyn turned her head towards him.
Aiden was staring at her.

"I've never seen you.. wear something like that?" Aiden commented.

It's true, Ashlyn would've never picked out a sleeveless black cropped top.
if you can even call it that, it was barely showing her stomach.
But she couldn't tuck it in, so, cropped to her.
Paired with brown cargo pants, and new boots.

"Taylor wanted to match.." Ashlyn mumbled, sinking into her seat.
She was use to wearing sleeveless shirts around her house, but never in public.

Truth be told, Ashlyn hated her freckles.
And it was sunny out today so the more Ashlyn decides to bake herself in the sun, the more freckles will gradually appear.

Ashlyn brushed part of her hair behind her ear as she curled up in her seat.
She already regretted wearing this—and she begged Taylor to bring a jacket because she was going to if she started to feel uncomfortable.
As Ashlyn scrolled through her phone, she paused. Remembering something.

Tyler and Taylor always match.

Ashlyn grumbled to herself, realizing she was probably also coincidentally matching with Tyler.

Ashlyn stood at her locker, placing most of her binders in the bottom of it. She put a few things in her bag as she swung it over her shoulder and closed it.
She turned, seeing both Taylor and Tyler.

"OH MY—" Ashlyn stumbled backwards, looking at them.
Taylor was wearing the same thing, but she had a green jacket tied around her waist.
Ashlyn looked at Tyler, who had the same colors on, but instead he was in shorts and a T-shirt.

"I'm so glad you decided to match with me!" Taylor smiled, hugging Ashlyn.
Ashlyn tensed for a moment before patting her back.

"Alright, Tay, you're gonna give the poor girl a heart attack. You know how she is with touch." Tyler teased, grabbing the collar of Taylor's shirt, pulling her away from Ashlyn.

"Sorry, sorry." Taylor mumbled.
Ashlyn gave her a thumbs up, and the three began walking to History.

"Honestly, Ashlyn, I'm surprised you didn't back out." Tyler commented, looking at her.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Ashlyn raised a brow, adjusting her backpack for the fifth time.

"I dunno, you just, don't really seem like you like any of us all that much." Tyler shrugged,

"..I don't dislike any of you guys. I'm just not good with friends, or people." Ashlyn pushed some of her hair behind her ear and turned into the history classroom.

To no one's surprise, Mr. Thomas wasn't there. He had been out for the past few days for something, and so the class have had a substitute.

And how does that go with a bunch of rowdy kids and a semester long project?
Very, very bad.

Not even 4 minutes into class, a paper ball was thrown directly at Logan.
Whenever if it was on purpose or not, Ashlyn switched seats with him so his back was to the window and her back was to the classroom.
And after that, there was paper airplanes thrown, yelling, and screaming.

"I'm surprised you didn't leave your hair down." Aiden said, doodling on the top corner of Ashlyn's paper.

"What?" Ashlyn looked at him, adjusting her earplugs for the eighth time.

"Oh, like, how Taylor's hair is always down. If you guys wanted to match you should've done your hair as well." Aiden looked at her, tilting his head.

"..I guess that makes sense." Ashlyn shrugged, and pushed her paper more into Aiden's desk so he could finish his doodling.

"I think you would've look cuter if your hair down, but I like your braids too." Aiden was focused on the paper, and only looked up when he realized everyone in the group had gone quiet.
"Did I say something?"

"YEEAH? YOU JUST CALLED ASHLYN—" Taylor began,  it was cut off by Tyler's hand trying to shush her.

"—called Ashlyn cute." Tyler finished for Taylor.

"Did I? I don't remember." Aiden smiled, and took her paper fully, finishing his doodle. "Ash, you and Taylor should match more offend."

"Why? So you can call her cute?" Taylor teased.

"Put it that way, sure." Aiden ripped the corner where he had doodled off of Ashlyn's paper and stuffed it in his pocket.

"But I'm not wrong, Ash is pretty." Aiden smiled at them. Not that happy smile he always had.. the one he used whenever he wanted to threaten Tyler or someone.

Ashlyn stared at him dumbfounded, brushing it off before taking her paper back and trying to work.

Her? Pretty? Hell, maybe Aiden does have brain damage.

Even as she thought this, she could feel her cheeks becoming warm.

..so was it bad to admit she liked it?
Liked Aiden Clark calling her pretty.
She'd like it if he'd say it again.

Words- 1071
Authors note— So, it's Friday, and I'm posting this because I had school off today, so HOORAY!! But anyways, I'm gonna say that I probably won't post again until Tuesday? Maybe LATE Monday night. I definitely won't post again this weekend just because I have a lot of personal family stuff going on, so, it's just gonna be a rough weekend. Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed this.

School Bus Graveyard
by Lilredbeany on WEBTOON.

𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘉𝘶𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥 || 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now