𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴, & 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦

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Crying is for the weak.

They say.

If you cry, you're sensitive.

They say.
I never understood that.

I also didn't see why people cried.

Sure, I've gotten hurt various times.
But nothing worth crying about.

Though, I also saw why people cried.

But now my question was different.

If you cry when you're in a life or death situation, you're weak? You're sensitive?

No, it wouldn't. Right?

I wrapped my fingers around my thumb. Clenching my fist so tight, that I was trembling.

"Ashlyn, what really happened?" My father asked.

My breathing stopped.
It was like the world went quiet.
My ears started to ring.
Whispers began in my ear, over powering the ringing.

What really happened?

Tyler fell out of a moving car!
He nose dived off a cliff!

I almost got killed.
I got a concussion.
Aiden sprained his ankle.
Logan got his side clawed open.


And I, don't know.

I don't know why.
Why we are trapped.
Why we are being chased.
Why it was Tyler who got hurt and not me.

Why was it not me?

I should be in this hospital.
I should be the one suffering,
Not Tyler.


"I don't know." I finally say.

That's when I realized I was breathing heavy.
My body was trembling.
My face was hot.
I could feel hot liquid in my eyes.

"You're.. You're gonna think we're insane.. or on drugs but—" I began.

A weight on my shoulder stopped me.
My dad's hand. He wasn't squeezing my shoulder.
He just rested his hand on my shoulder.
His other hand made its way to my face, rubbing circles behind my ears.
He always did that when I was younger.

"I will listen. Trooper, what really happened?" He said one more time.

My eyes scrunched up as I finally felt the liquid pouring from my eyes.
My nose began to run, and I grabbed onto my dad's arms.
I began to cry.
Hard, I cried hard.

I felt arms pull me I , and I immediately grabbed the back of my dad's shirt.
His hand on my back and the other on the back of my head.

I knew he was scared.
I know he's never seen me this confused, or scared.
He's never seen me cry like this.

Slamming the door of the jeeps shut, both my dad and I rushed to get into the hospital.

"Hey Ash.. how did you know to call? Tyler's awake."

Tyler's awake.
Tyler is awake.

I clenched my fists again, as I half jogged, and half walked towards Tyler's room.
He had to be okay if he was awake.


I thought the tears were done after I cried to my dad.
But no, I can feel the water collecting in my eyes again.

I stopped. Looking at the white door.
This was Tyler's room.
Grabbing the handle, I opened the door rather fast, not realizing how hard I had pushed it, because it had gotten out of my hand and slammed against the wall.

Tyler sitting upright in the bed.
Aiden sitting at the foot of the bed, on the bed frame.
Ben standing by Logan.
Logan and Taylor sitting next to each other by Tyler's side.
All staring at me.

"Oh, it's Ash!" Aiden cheered.

I walked into the room until I was right by Tyler's bed.

He looked tired.

"..I'm sorry." I managed to get it out without tears leaving my eyes or my voice cracking.

Tyler stared at me for a while, placing the fork he was holding down.

"Not your fault.." Tyler looked away from me, "So stop acting mopey, carrot-top."


"What." My eyes widened, and I scrunched my brows.

"Or would you rather be called gingerbread?" Tyler looked back at me, smiling a little.

I almost didn't let a laugh escape my mouth.
But I did.
Which caused a chain of small laughs and chuckles from the others.

"There we go, stop acting mopey, or I'll think of more names to call you." Tyler added, reaching his hand to mine.

He extended his pinky and locked it with mine, pulling my hand towards him.

"Promise?" He asked.
All I could give was a nod.

"Say it."




Words- 790
Authors note— I am not sorry that this isn't Aidlyn. I love Ashler, and I have to include them.
I don't really like how this turned out.. and I'm allergic to making happy OneShots so I STRUGGLED more than I should've. But it's like.. bittersweet.
Vio are you happy?😞

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𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘉𝘶𝘴 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥 || 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now