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Wish you A Very Happy New Year..
May this new year fill your lives with new hopes and blessings.. Sending lots of love to you Starrys.. (Hugs and kisses)
Enjoy and party hard stars..

Author's POV

Three weeks had already been passed since Arjun's death.. Jaya who was quiet a few days before, came as a strong woman to fulfill her husband's dream of winning the elections with full majority..

After such tragic incidents she decided to come as a strong woman.. She didn't wanted people's sympathy over her dead husband, she wanted to conquer the world with the power she held inside her..

3 weeks ago..

"I not even surprised.. Inaya's father got you married to her because of this fucking reason and now you are selecting me as the party's head.. Seriously bhai.." Kabir said with not so amused look on his face..

Inaya looked at Samar who didn't even spared a glance at her since the day of Arjun's death.. Shivam scoffed and looked at Kabir..

"If you are not surprised then learn this speech at come tomorrow at exactly 9 am for the party assembly.." Shivam said and walked outside the room..

Jaya looked at both of her sons and also got up leaving Samar, Kabir and Inaya alone.. Kabir picked up the sheets of paper given by Shivam and also left the room leaving the couple alone..

"So.. My father is real mastermind.. Right..?" She tried to lighten the intense atmosphere.. Samar closed the file and looked at his wife with dull eyes..

He lost his will to live after his inspiration, his dad left him alone. He was really closed to him.. He supported his decision of having business even after lots of complains from the family..

"I know its not easy, but try to move on Sam.. Even mom is trying.." Inaya said and walked towards him..

She placed her hands on his shoulder and massaged him a little.. He placed his head back on the chair in a relaxing manner..

He held her hand and placed a small kiss on her palm and started speaking.. " I feel so alone.. Like I have no one to share my thoughts now.. I tried to talk about this with Shiv and Kabir but I just feel really suffocated.."

"Do you know who did this..?" She asked carefully.. Inaya knew that the news of her father in law's death was really sensitive for Mehras, specially her husband..

"Nitin Singhania.. That fucking moron did this just because he wanted the elections to held early.. I could have killed him last time only if.." He stopped in the middle..

"Only if.." Inaya asked.. He got up from the chair and held her hands in his grip.. "Nothing.. Let's go..  We should sleep, its quite late.."


"I Kabir Arjun Mehra, take the oath to serve my nation and stay loyal to the citizens of this country till I have blood running in my veins.." Kabir concluded his speech and walked way from the podium..

Till now except for the family members no one else knew about Kabir's foreigner girlfriend Emily.. She felt a little insecure before but she decided to accept it as a part of Kabir's lifestyle.. She travelled back to the USA for a few days as her mother wanted to see her..

In the evening.. 

Tahira is sitting across the big dining table of the Mehras with Inaya.. The elders were talking about the ceremony held in the morning.. She looked around and found a guy observing her really carefully..

She looked at him for a few moments and then rolled her eyes..

After the dinner, Inaya and Tahira were having a little gossip time as it was months since they last talked.. She was not able to attend her wedding as she was travelling overseas due to business related work..

"Btw.. Who was the guy sitting beside Jiju..?" She asked referring to Samar.. "Umm he.. He is Kabir my brother in law.." She suggested while sipping on her juice..

Tahira nodded and they continued with their talks when Samar approached them with Kabir and Shivam alongside with Mihika..

"Girls.. It's past midnight.. Let's call it a day, shall we.." He said and forwarded his hand for Inaya to hold.. She held his hand and stood of her feet..

Tahira also stood up and looked at Kabir who was throwing draggers at her.. "What..? Haven't you seen a woman or what..?" She asked him.

Kabir looked around and then pointed at himself.. She nodded and head.. "I have seen many women.. So what..?" He replied her in the same tone as her..

"Listen Mr. Kabir.. You were the one throwing draggers at me.. So it's better if you accept you mistake.." She said and walked pass him..

Shivam and Inaya tried to hide their smile but ended up laughing loud.. Samar smiled at them but Kabir just rolled his eyes.. Mihika hit Shivam on his shoulder and took him to their room..

"Arrogant.." The first word came to his mind after looking at her..


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