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Author's POV

Sitting on a couch of her lavish apartment Tahira was in deep thoughts when a hand snaked her shoulders.. She removed the television remote from her mouth and turned to see that person..

She smiled a little and placed her head on his shoulder.. "Is there something bothering you..?" He asked while placing a kiss on her head..

"I don't know.. I just feel really weird nowadays.." She said and hid herself in his chest.. "Tahira.. How is this gonna work.. At least tell me what's going on..?" He said and broke the hug..

"Mom is constantly asking for my perspective over marriage.. And I don't want it.." Tahira scoffed.. He chuckled a little and then started speaking.

"Just go and tell her.. Running away is not an option babe.. " He said.. "You don't understand.. I don't want to marry someone.. I am just not ready yet for those promises.." She shouted a little in frustration..

He went towards her and again pulled her in a hug.. He broke the hug and cupped her cheeks.. "I am here for you.. Now and always.. Stop stressing yourself out.."

"I Love you Akash.." She said and joined their foreheads together.. "I Love You too Tahira.." He said and clashed their lips together sealing their love for each other..

Meet Akash Agnihotri.. 
Age: 25 years old
Working as a full time stock market investor and Prince of Agnihotri Clan (Fictional name)
Boyfriend of Tahira of 2 years

They met during a meeting held by their parents for business between Agnihotris and Vardhans.. They fell in love at first sight, later Akash proposed her and she said YES

On the other hand

"For the first time ever, more than 10 MLAs of a political party has been eliminated from contesting the elections.." The news anchor said while the television screen continuously showcased their names..

"How the hell this happened..?" Nitin said while rubbing his temples.. " "We don't know sir.. Everything was going plan wise.. " A member said.. 

He went towards him and jerked him towards himself from his collar.. "Exactly you haven't done anything.. Because your signatures were not present on the submission letter..."

He tried to chock him but was held back by Yug.. He asked everyone to leave and told Nitin to calm down.. 

 "The elections are from next week.. Try not to create anymore drama.." He said and sat on the couch.. "Got any information about Vardhan and Mehra..?"

"No.. They have tighten their security.. I am personally looking over to their matter but nothing seems to be connected.." Yug said and sipped on the water..


"But how is that possible..?" Kabir asked Shivam who was waving and smiling at the cameras outside their office.. "Don't you trust me..?" He asked..

"I do, but bhai.." He tried but got ignored by him in return.. They stepped inside the office with numerous of party members who were in the mood for celebration..

"Sir there is 45% increase in our vote banks.. High chances of winning 32 out of 37 seats in the coming elections.." One of the workers said. 

"We are definitely going to win 35 out of 37 this year.." Samar said while walking towards his brothers.. He and Shivam shared a hug and looked over a confused Kabir..

Soon a smirk formed on his face.. "You guys are terrible.. How did you even managed to bribe him..? Like 35.. Woah..!!" He was amused..

"Sometimes you have to agree that you are the *younger* brother.. We know it better.." Shivam said and everyone shared a small laugh together..

After having a little drinks party together they all returned to their respected houses..

Samar stepped inside his room and started removing his suit jacket in front of the dressing table when someone hugged him from behind.. 

" I am sorry.." She said in a small voice.. "Ina.. What happened..?" He turned around and cupped her face.. He looked visibly concerned for her.. 

" i should have supported you, but this liberal person inside me is too risky.." She said while hugging him..

Few days ago. Samar and Inaya had a fight because she saw his inhumane ways towards a man just for some information..

Emily and she had been constantly keeping eyes on the brothers behaviour.. But after watching it from her own eyes made her heart shut..

She later realized that it was for protecting his family and moreover the article about him made her more guilty..

"It's fine.. No need to worry.." He said while engulfing her in the hug.. "I Love You.." She said while detaching herself from him..

" I Love You too.. I just don't know how to show it.." He said and joined their foreheads together..
They both looked at each other and then leaned in..

He slowly kissed her pulling her more towards him.. She rounded her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes to match his height..

After what felt like years they broke off the kiss.. He looked into her eyes for permission.. After finding no hesitations he took her to bed..

They both knew that they were ready for a new step in their relationship.. Even though the times were tough from past few months, but they were and still would be there for each other..

As the night went on, the couple shared stories and memories, laughing and teasing each other. But as the clock struck midnight, their playful banter turned into passionate caresses.

In that moment, there was nothing else in the world except for them. They were husband and wife, lovers and best friends, united in their sweet love making.

As they lay in each other's arms, their bodies still entwined, they knew that their love making had only deepened their bond. They were soulmates, destined to be together forever.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the window, Samar and Inaya fell asleep in each other's embrace, their love shining brighter than ever before. And in that moment, they knew that they were each other's home, and nothing could ever change that.


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