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Author's POV (9 years later)

Samar and Inaya's life in their cozy penthouse in America was like a dream come true, especially with their daughter Keisha about to turn 9. Keisha was born four months after Aarush, and she was adored by everyone in the family. 

She was a spitting image of her mother but inherited her father's sharp thinking skills. Keisha was often bubbly and fearless, making her a joy to be around.

Her live took a delightful turn when she crossed paths with Ishank Malhotra, the charming son of esteemed advocates Jai Malhotra and Aisha Mallick. Ishank, along with his twin sister Ishanaya, formed a warm friendship with Keisha. Despite their ten-year age difference, Ishank and Keisha shared a special bond from the moment they met five years ago, when she was just a curious four-year-old and he was a mature fourteen-year-old.

Their friendship blossomed over the years, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and endless adventures. Ishank became Keisha's confidant and protector, always there to offer guidance and support. Their families' connection through business only strengthened their bond, creating a foundation of trust and understanding between them.

Inaya, who used to be the crown princess of the Vardhan family, decided to step down from her role. She didn't feel connected to the title and believed she could do better in business and writing.

After having a baby, she talked to her dad about it. He understood and accepted her decision. Then, she asked Tahira to take her place, but Tahira said no. She didn't want to deal with the problems that come with being royal.

Even though she wanted to leave, Inaya knew she couldn't because her life was tied to being royal. So, she stayed part of their world.

Inaya's dad suggested she could help her daughter, Keisha, prepare for the role if Keisha wanted it. But Inaya said Keisha should choose for herself. If Keisha wanted to be queen, Inaya would support her.

Inaya and Samar sat together in the quiet of their living room, sipping tea and reflecting on the past nine years.

"Do you remember when Keisha was born?" Inaya asked, a fond smile spreading across her face.

Samar's eyes twinkled with warmth as he replied, "Of course, it feels like just yesterday. She brought so much joy into our lives."

As they reminisced, they recalled both the happy moments and the challenges they had faced as a family. They laughed about Keisha's first day of school, her excitement palpable as she waved goodbye at the door.

But there were tough times too, like when Keisha fell ill and they stayed up all night worrying. Inaya squeezed Samar's hand, grateful for his unwavering support during those difficult moments.

Later the same evening sun cast a warm glow through the windows, Samar and Inaya sat together in their cozy living room, a sense of contentment settling over them. They had just put Keisha to bed after a day filled with laughter and love.

"Inaya, do you ever wonder what the future holds for us?" Samar asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

Inaya turned to him, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Sometimes, but as long as we're together, I know we can handle whatever comes our way."

Samar nodded, his gaze lingering on his wife. "I feel the same way. You've always been my rock, Inaya."

Their conversation drifted to memories of their journey together, from the early days of their marriage to the joys and challenges of parenthood. They laughed about the silly arguments and cherished the moments of quiet understanding.

"Inaya, I want you to know that you've made the past nine years the best of my life," Samar said, reaching for her hand.

Tears welled up in Inaya's eyes as she squeezed his hand gently. "And you've been my constant source of strength and support, Samar. I couldn't have asked for a better partner."

As they sat together in comfortable silence, a sense of gratitude washed over them. They knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, hand in hand.

The next day, the cozy living room of Inaya and Samar's home was filled with laughter and chatter. Colorful balloons adorned the room, and a table overflowing with treats stood in the corner.

"Happy birthday, Keisha!" shouted her friends and family as she entered the room, her eyes widening in delight at the sight before her.

"Thank you, everyone!" Keisha beamed, her excitement contagious as she greeted each guest with a hug.

Her cousins Aarush and Eklavya rushed over, both eager to wish her well.

"Happy birthday, Keisha!" they exclaimed in unison, presenting her with a handmade card and a small gift.

"Thanks, Aarush, Eklavya!" Keisha grinned, her eyes lighting up as she opened the gift with eager fingers.

Mihika and Shivam, approached with a cake adorned with nine glowing candles.

"Make a wish, Keisha!" they encouraged as she closed her eyes and blew out the candles in one breath.

Tahira and Kabir, joined in the celebration, their laughter mingling with the joyful sounds of the party.

As Keisha opened her presents and shared slices of cake with her friends and family, she felt surrounded by love and warmth. And as the evening drew to a close, she knew that this birthday celebration would be a memory she would cherish forever.

The next day, Keisha stood at the airport, watching as Ishank boarded the plane. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.

"Promise you'll come back soon," Keisha whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I promise," Ishank replied, holding her close. "Keisha, I know I'm leaving, but I want you to know something. You're really important to me."

Keisha felt her heart skip a beat. "You're important to me too, Ishank."

With a final wave, Ishank disappeared into the crowd, leaving Keisha with a bittersweet feeling in her heart.



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