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Author's POV (9 years later)

Kabir and Tahira enjoyed a happy life with their young son, Eklavya. Their little world felt perfect. Eklavya was eight years old, one year younger than his cousins Aarush and Keisha. He looked just like his mother Tahira but had his father's front teeth. Eklavya and Keisha were always getting into mischief together.

Kabir and Tahira were devoted parents. They always made time for Eklavya, whether it was attending parent-teacher meetings or watching his performances. Every night, they had dinner together, and Eklavya shared stories about his day.

Kabir had decided to continue his career in politics, while Tahira became a successful businesswoman. Kabir understood that life in politics could be unpredictable. After the sudden or planned death of Nitin and the truth about Yug came out, Kabir and his brothers faced many questions. Eventually, they decided to move on with their lives.

Kabir remained the chief minister. Although he hadn't enjoyed politics before, he eventually felt it was his true calling. He decided to be more honest and independent to gain support from the citizens. His wife, Tahira, was his biggest supporter. Despite her busy career, she made sure Kabir knew she believed in him.

Eight years ago, Kabir and Tahira decided to give their marriage another chance, and they had been happy ever since.

Eklavya sat at the large wooden table in the living room, surrounded by books and papers. Next to him was his best friend, Noorisha, whom he fondly called Noor. She was intently working on a drawing, her brows furrowed in concentration.

"Noor, look at this!" Eklavya exclaimed, accidentally knocking over his cup of juice. The juice spilled across the table, smudging Noor's drawing.

"Eklavya!" Noor cried, glaring at him. "You ruined my drawing! I worked so hard on it!"

"I'm sorry, Noor! I didn't mean to," Eklavya said, looking guilty. "I'll help you fix it, I promise."

Noor sighed but nodded, handing him a clean sheet of paper. "Alright, but be careful this time. And don't spill anything!"

Eklavya smiled, picking up a pencil. "I'll be super careful, promise. Let's start again."

As they worked together, Eklavya tried his best to follow Noor's instructions. "Can you pass me the red crayon?" she asked.

"Sure thing!" Eklavya handed her the crayon, watching her closely as she expertly colored in the lines.

"You're really good at this, Noor," Eklavya said admiringly. "I wish I could draw like you."

Noor smiled, her earlier annoyance forgotten. "You're good at other things, Eklavya. Like sports and math. Everyone has their own talents."

In the corner of the room, Tahira and Kabir sat on the couch, watching the interaction with amused expressions. They enjoyed seeing the children together, especially their playful arguments.

Later that night, after Eklavya had gone to bed, Tahira and Kabir sat on the balcony, enjoying the cool evening breeze. The sky was dotted with stars, and the city lights twinkled in the distance. They each held a cup of tea, savoring the quiet moment together.

"It's hard to believe it's been nine years," Tahira said, looking out at the night sky. "So much has changed."

Kabir nodded, taking a sip of his tea. "Yes, it has. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we decided to give our marriage another chance."

Tahira smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm so glad we did. Look at how happy Eklavya is. And we've grown so much, both as individuals and as a family."

Kabir sighed contentedly. "We've been through a lot, but we've come out stronger. You've built such an incredible business, Tahira. I'm so proud of you."

"And I'm proud of you, Kabir," Tahira replied. "You've become an amazing leader. The way you handle everything in politics, even when it gets tough, is truly inspiring."

Kabir chuckled softly. "It wasn't easy, though. There were times I wanted to give up. But knowing you believed in me kept me going."

Tahira reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We've always supported each other. That's what makes us strong."

Kabir looked thoughtful. "Remember when we first started this journey? We didn't know what to expect. There were so many challenges."

Tahira nodded. "Yes, like when Eklavya was born. We were so nervous about being parents. But we learned together. And now, seeing him grow up, it feels so rewarding."

"He's a wonderful kid," Kabir agreed. "Smart, kind, and full of energy. Just like you."

Tahira laughed. "He definitely gets his energy from you. And his love for learning from both of us."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying each other's presence. The memories of the past nine years played in their minds like a beautiful movie.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Kabir asked quietly.

"All the time," Tahira replied. "I wonder what Eklavya will be like as a teenager, what new challenges we'll face. But I know we'll handle it together."

Kabir smiled. "Yes, we will. Just like we always have."

Tahira looked at him, her eyes filled with love. "I'm grateful for every moment, Kabir. The good and the bad. They've all brought us here."

"Me too, Tahira," Kabir said softly. "I wouldn't trade our journey for anything."

As the night grew darker, they finished their tea and leaned back in their chairs, holding hands and looking at the stars. The future was uncertain, but they felt ready to face it together, with love and determination.

"We've come a long way," Tahira said, her voice filled with emotion. "And I'm excited for what's next."

"Whatever it is," Kabir replied, "we'll face it together. That's what makes our life so special."

In that peaceful moment, under the starry sky, they knew that no matter what the future held, their bond would remain unbreakable. The love they had built over the years was their greatest strength, and with it, they could overcome anything.



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