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She lay unconscious. The sun shone brightly, gently kissing her features. The sun reached every part of the room, to the floor and the ceiling. The cold morning air filled the room through the opened window, and began to stir her awake. Her eyes gently opened, revealing deep green eyes that were like emeralds.

Where am I? Her finger started to twitch in an attempt to move her arm, but her exhaustion was too great. Please. Her eyes begin to water in distress. Raising her hand slowly, shaking, she started to remember what happened. There was a train. I was on it. I was alone. No. I was with my sister. Her nose scrunched in an attempt to remember more vividly as the images in her mind were faint. She continued to examine the room she was in, from the metal frame of the bed to the desk and bookshelf that rested in front of her.

Her limbs felt heavy. Breathing became too hard. What happened on the train? She tried to recollect her thoughts and think of the events she could remember before the others disappeared. The conductor punched our tickets, and we fell asleep. Loud, fire, screaming. That was all she could recall. Tears started to stream down her face the longer she lay, unable to do anything. Her hands slowly balled into a fist, releasing and trying again. It seemed to be helping, she thought as her mobility started to kick back in. Minutes after this, she attempted to sit up. Her stomach tensed, wincing at the pain in her core. Whatever happened, it was worse than she thought. Regardless, she wouldn't think to give up. Her ebony hair weighed her down, wrapping around the bed in a braid, touching the floor.

Reaching slowly, she grabbed a piece of her hair to pull the rest of it up beside her. She breathed deeply. I need to slow down. I can't rush. I will only hurt myself in the process. She attempted to raise her head once more, looking to the left. There was a door, a round golden knob, and an off-white wall. She had already recognized that this wasn't a hospital in France. French hospitals were more complex, structural, and darker. This place was the opposite. The unfamiliarity rang warning bells in her mind, but there wasn't anything she could do due to her limited mobility.

Where is my sister?

She took a deep breath, wincing at the pain as her core tightened. She did it, smiling softly at her perseverance. She looked around slowly, raising her arm to push back hair behind her ear. Something had caught her eye, A long bandage that covered her entire forearm. She slowly rotated her arm in shock, examining it. Faint pink stained the white material. Was it that bad? She thought again. She bit her calloused lip, looking down at her hands. She slowly reached her hand over, grabbing the ends of the white blanket, throwing it over, and revealing her legs. Something stung – Something in her leg. She bent over gently, grabbing the thin fabric of her pants and pulling it up her leg. As she did, more bandages revealed. It was worse than I thought. She shook her head, quickly pushing the cloth down. She sat in silence, thinking.

What happened?

Where am I?

Where is my sister?

Am I alone?

Her eyebrows furrowed, looking to the door again. She contemplated whether or not it was right to open the door. She was in a place of worry and trust. Was it right to go? What would I find? God, please keep me safe.

Her leg wrapped over the bed as they hovered over the cold wooden floor. She began to hesitate as her feet were grounded. Repeating with the other leg, she sat on the side of the bed, watching her legs closely. She leaned, shifting all her weight onto her feet. She stood up, shaking slightly as her sight grew dizzy. Her hands fled, then tugged onto something. Going through her left arm were tubes connecting to an IV pole. Her hand shook. She grabbed the IV pole, rocking it while watching the loose wheels spin under it. She determined this would be what helped her stay stabilized.

SWAN LAKE || 𝙆. 𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤 🦢 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now