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warnings: Kidnapping, yelling and a new arc.


It'd been three weeks since Athena left the Butterfly Estate to begin her training as The Love Hashira's tsuguko.

Athena had not visited.

Aphrodite's anxiety began to seep away as the days passed, receiving letters from her sister every day as she promised. It filled the void that remained, trying to get used to being by herself. The three boys kept her company, although leaving her every few days for missions — Which is the case for today.

"Could you please roll these for me?" Aoi asked Aphrodite, handing her a wooden pot filled with rice. She was slightly intimated, agreeing. Her mind remained clouded as she started to roll the rice into even balls, putting them to the side in a wooden tray.


A scream was heard, echoing through the hallways. Catching both of the girls' attention, they looked at each other as they listened closely.


Jumping to their feet, Aoi and Aphrodite rushed through the hallways. More high-pitched screams echoed, finally arriving outside. Aoi opened the doors swiftly, seeing a tall man holding two of the small butterfly girls.

"Eh?!" Aphrodite ran through the doors as she examined the scene. She stood beside Kanao, looking at her sweating. The man in front of her was tall and muscular. He had silver hair with a large sash with beads and jewels running across it, standing tall as he held Naho and Sumi in his arms.

"Kidnapper! Kidnapper!" They chanted, Kiyo screaming for help. Urgently, Aphrodite and Aoi jumped in and attempted to take the girls from his arms.

"Let them go!" Aphrodite yelled, tugging on Naho's dress.

"Let them go now!" Aoi yelled, trying to pry the man's grip off the second girl. Aphrodite began to throw punches at his arm, catching his attention.

"You sure look flashy!" He smirked, letting the young girl go, snaking his arm around Aphrodite's waist and holding her under his armpits. it happened to fast for her to process as she kicked in protest.

"Let me go you, Chienne!" She yelled angrily, kicking his arm aggressively. Her shoe fell off, hitting him in the face.

"Woah! I've never heard that before! You don't look like you're from here, huh?" The man laughed, ignoring Aoi's many attempts to free the other girl.

Is he being racist right now?!

"Let me go!" Aphrodite ignored his question, throwing a tantrum like a child.

"You'd do perfectly for my mission!" his grip tightened as he looked at Aoi. "You too!" He smirked, letting the small girl go and grabbing Aoi. The two girls were now being held captive by this unfamiliar strange man .

"Let me go at once!" Aoi pleaded. "Please I'm begging you, let go!" She cried again, the little butterfly girls yelling at him. Aphrodite continued to kick her legs and throw punches, but he didn't even flinch.

"Put us down!" Aoi yelled.

"Quit your yapping, damn you're loud." The man scoffed.

"Let them go, you jerk!" Kiyo exclaimed.

"I can't watch this anymore!" Sumi hid behind Kanao, who watched idly. What do I do, what do I do?! Am I being kidnapped right now? Who is this guy?!

"Let us go, you dumb ass!" Aphrodite yelled, kicking his arm roughly.

"Please, do something!" Aoi held her hand out desperately towards Kanao, urging her to help them. The man began to walk away with the teen girls under and over his arms. Suddenly, Aphrodite felt grab her ankle. It was someone Kanao .

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