7 | ᴄᴏɴꜰʟɪᴄᴛɪɴɢ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ

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I woke up the next day, off bed rest. My stomach already felt better but on pain relief medication. I was put off working for a week, or three days if I took the Love Hashira up on her offer. Ever since the conversation I had with Madame Kocho, it's all I ever think about. I also can't forget Tanjiro and Aphrodite hearing the conversation.

Athena groaned frustratingly, sitting up from her bed, holding her stomach as she began to walk around the estate. She planned to avoid her sister and Tanjiro all day, knowing they would attempt to persuade her decision.

"Athena!" Tanjiro called out from a distance. Exactly what she didn't want. She pretended not to hear him, quickening her pace to the doors outside. "Athena!" He called out again, much closer. She gulped, turning around and being met with the slayer directly in the face. She backed away, looking up at him.

"Hello Tanjiro." She lightly smiled, sucking on her bottom lip.

"I wanted to talk to you about what I heard yesterday." He said softly, Athena dropping her head in defeat. "Are you okay?.." Tanjiro said softly, grabbing her shoulders supportingly. She looked up at him and nodded slowly.

"I want to tell you that I think you should do it." Tanjiro said. Athena looked at him with raised brows, wrapping her arm around her stomach tighter. It was starting to cramp.

"I understand it's something you probably don't want to hear, but Ms. Kocho was right about it being a really rare thing. Hashira's hardly ever take in tsugukos, let alone asking someone to be their tsuguko. This is a great opportunity, and.. I'm slightly jealous." He chuckled nervously.

Athena let go of her slight refusal.

"I also think this would be great for you, Athena." Tanjiro said softly, the feeling in Athena's stomach changing. It was no longer a painful, throbbing feeling, but something fluttered. It was gentle and soft, easing the pain she felt moments before.

"What I saw on that mission.. I would have never forgave myself if I didn't save you. And who knows, maybe you will be assigned on another mission when I'm not there and I can't protect you. You need to be able to protect yourself." His facial expression turned to frustration and regret, looking down at Athena arms. Athena felt bad he thought this way.

"It was not your fault." Athena spoke softly. Tanjiro looked at her with his pink eyes, slightly confused. "Do not blame yourself." She smiled gently. His pain subsided, comforted by her words. He knew she was being genuine, he could sense it. "I will consider. Thank you." She grabbed both of his wrists with her hands and removing them from her shoulders, chuckling. Tanjiro laughed as well.

"Well, where were you going in such a rush?" He asked, walking beside her.

"I am going outside." She smiled, pointing to the doors that led to the veranda.

"Can I come with you?" he asked, smiling warmly. How could I refuse? He's always so kind to me, it'd be stupid to say no. She nodded, the chirpy boy now excited. They exited the estate beside each other, going through the doors, the cold air embracing them.

"Very cold." Athena chuckled nervously, looking up at Tanjiro.

"It is, huh? Do you want my haori?" He offered. She was confused. I'm not that cold, I was just trying to start a conversation. She looked at the boy, shaking her head no.

"It is okay." Athena smiled, refusing his offer. As they walked, a large gust of wind blew past them, enough for her thick curls to fly into her face. She got goosebumps.

"Haori, please." Tanjiro chuckled, removing his haori, and helping Athena put it on. It was bigger on her compared to him, draping over her body. He watched her remove the hair from her face. She looked back up at him, confused.

SWAN LAKE || 𝙆. 𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤 🦢 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now