17 | ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

20 3 3

Warnings: Violence, Teamwork, Mentions of gore


Daki cackled amused, laughing at Zenitsu.

"Huh?! She's got three eyes?!" Inosuke yelled.

"I can see everything now! Including all of your movements! Now that brother's awake, I'm able to show you what my true power looks like." Daki gleamed with excitement, pointing at the mustard-yellow eye on her forehead.

"Shut up! Your shrill voice is making my head hurt!"

Gyutaro snicked. "Them being your Tsuguko was a lie! Your movements are so out of sync, it's almost laughable. And here I thought you'd be different." As the fight with Gyotaro and Tengen began to grow quicker, Zenitsu and Inosuke fought off Daki. Her obi belts urgently dove into the building again after Tengen, who jumped back quickly, sending off small bombs of flare and sparkles.

"DIE ALREADY!!" Gyutaro smiled, clashing with the hashira. He was able to land small scratches against his thick limbs, driving him out of the building as the demons followed after him in anticipation.

He won't hold up much longer. It's a miracle he can still move at all. That shoulder wound must be really deep. He seems to have stopped the bleeding for now, but that left hand tied to his hilt is the only thing keeping his grip. All because I let myself get poisoned. If I don't take care of this now, we'll be annihilated!

Hinatsuru grunted as Aphrodite helped her up, taking heavy breathes as the younger girl continued to aid her. Together, they peered over the roof and watched in shock.

I can barely catch their movements with my eyes, they're moving so fast! Is this really what Athena wants to do? This is crazy. I've never seen someone and something move so quickly, not even the boys moved this quickly on the mountain!

"Aphrodite, please, hold this up and aim it." She ordered, Aphrodite quickly obliging. She watched, aimed, and held her stance as she attempted to stay inconspicuous. "I.. I'll shoot it." She slurred, fluttering her lashes as she lazily held her head up.

"I can do it, Miss Hinatsuru, you're extremely weak. I should have just had you evacuate earlier.. Never mind that! Tell me how to shoot it." Aphrodite asked, urgent.

"You hold that, and pull." Hinatsuru didn't argue as if her body would give up if she tried moving any longer. Hesitantly, she shot it. The small poison-infused daggers flew through the air.

What's this? Kunai? It'll be a pain dealing with this many of them in front of a Hashira. Could they be any more annoying?

"Blood Demon Art! Rampant Arc Rampage!" Gyutaro yelled cunningly, warding all of the daggers away.

"He deflected them! Miss Hinatsuru, he deflected them, he deflected them!" Aphrodite began to breath quickly as the demon flashed her a glance.

"Calm down, Aphrodite!" She grabbed the girl by the arm, forcing her to duck down. "Don't draw us any attention, that attack was to just distract him. I hope it works."

As the woman spoke, Tengen swiftly ran his blade through the demons legs and disabled him as his legs fell to the ground, Gyutaro following quickly.

My legs aren't regenerating! I knew it, they're laced with something. If I had to guess, this kunai is probably coated in something extracted from wisteria. M-My body's going numb!

Taking his chance, Tanjiro jumped above and attempted to slice the demon's neck. Fear ran through the boy as he saw Gyutaro smirk menacingly, second-guessing his impulsive attack.

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