16 | ᴇᴠᴀᴄᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

18 3 0

Warnings: Detailed mentions of gore and violence


Tanjiro swiftly jumped, holding his sword out to attack. The Upper Rank suddenly disappeared, landing on the roof with a sadistic grin.

"I knew it. It seems I was right. A Hashira really did show up! How magnificent, I can't even imagine how pleased my master will be!" She fell to her knees in praise, smirking at the sky as her hair slowly faded into white. Tanjiro watched in shock.

She just transformed. Her scent couldn't be more ominous. It's making me sick already.. Which means she gained even more power. But if Uzui really is with Inosuke and the other right now, then I can rest easy.

"Keep it down now, will ya?! Is that a sword in your hand, kid? You've got a lot of nerve, picking fights it in front of my House!" As the angry man yelled obnoxiously, he started to draw a crowd. People began to grow curious, leaving their homes to see the uncalled for scene play out.

We made too much noise, and now people are in danger!

"I'll have you know that this Hanamachi is only viable because we and our clients all follow the rules, so if you're gonna cause trouble, you're not welcome here!" He scolded Tanjiro, feeling triumphant.

"You should keep your mouth shut." Daki's eyes narrowed at the man's idiocy, standing up slowly.

"Please sir, don't come this way!" The man halted. "Stay back, please!" Long belts sent into the sky, sending attacks and slamming onto the floor. Houses crumbled beneath the sheer force of the fabric, multiple people injured. The angry man bent down, groaning in pain as he watched his wrist spill thick, dark blood. People fell from their upstairs, screaming in terror and in pain. They quickly began to evacuate on their own, screaming.

Tanjiro grunted, feeling a piercing pain sent through the left of his chest, blood disgorging.

Tanjiro's eyes widened as he watched the demon smirk.

She smiled.

She was happy.

How could she be happy?! How could she be okay with hurting all of these people?!

"Get back here. I won't let you get away with this, not after what you just did!" His teeth clenched tightly in anger as his hands shook.

"What's wrong? You still have something to say? Your efforts are useless and you're hideous. There's no reason to let ugly people like yourself live, so do us a favor and die alongside them." Daki retorted, hissing, rolling her eyes at his pity for the people she murdered. She defaulted, turning her back to him and walking away in search of the Hashira.

"Hiro! Wake up! We have to leave! Help us!" A woman sobbed, choking back her tears as she held her husband's disfigured body in her arms helplessly. Blood seeped into Tanjiro's eyes, clouding his vision and seeing red. Daki launched herself into the air, coming to a erupt stop as she felt something tug on her ankle. She fell on her face, turning around and seeing the Kamado boy. He was enraged. He sent a quick attack to her neck, quickly kicking and backing away from him.

"Those lost lives will never return! They can't just regenerate!" Daki growled, pushing her foot deeper into the roof. "That's a luxury only demons have. Why do you kill? Why trample over the lives of the innocent?"

I feel like I've heard these same words before. Daki's head throbbed in pain, seeing a memory that wasn't quite hers. A man stood tall, long, burgundy curls fell beneath his shoulders and danced in the breeze.

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