8 | ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ

30 5 7

warnings: Breakdown, jealousy, anger.
don't forget to read to the bottom to see the daily question.


I never fully admitted to why I didn't want Athena to leave. I was in denial of my feelings, and I felt selfish to tell Athena them. I love my sister. But all my life, I've always been overshadowed by her. It was something I grew to accept, But this last time was my final straw. When she told me she didn't want her water bending, all I could think about how ungrateful she was. I felt wrong to feel this way, she had everything I wanted. It's a gift, I told her. I wanted the gift.

So badly.

But Athena has it, and I have nothing to show in comparing. But I can't hate her or resent her, she's my sister. I love her more than anything.

I think that's why I didn't want her to leave. While she's off doing great things, what am I doing? Cleaning after lousy patients who feel entitled? God, I feel pathetic. But it'd be selfish to drag her down with me. So, I remain supportive of my lovely sister. They're simple feelings that'll go away.

Aphrodite sat in an empty vacant room, the one she was supposed to be cleaning as she cried silently. She clenched the bed sheet underneath her angrily. Her teeth started to grit as she sat on the bed. It'd been a week ever since Athena left, and Aphrodite felt empty and lost. She felt as if a piece of her packed up and left — quite literally.
This entire week she had been full of tears as she missed her sister. Every day felt confusing. Breakfast, her chores, dinner, and sleep. It felt repetitive and unfulfilling as the sinking feeling of being lonely set in.

She wasn't alone — she had the three boys. But it was a bond they weren't able to comprehend. But she felt bad if she got mad at them for trying to help her because they didn't understand. So there was no reason to be upset with them. She felt her mind was clouded with confusing feelings; and confusing thoughts.

It'd been too much today, running away and beginning to cry in an empty room. It felt like a dam broke — breaking down into tears of sadness and anger. She locked the door so no one could interrupt her breakdown as she angrily kicked her legs, slammed her fists, and screamed into the pillow.

Zenitsu trained outside, his mind preoccupied with hearing Aphrodite have a breakdown. He felt bad, his reaction time slowing down. "Monitsu! Pay attention!" Inosuke yelled angrily. He didn't realize Inosuke was yelling at him, looking to the estate in concern. Tanjiro picked up on his scent of distress, walking up to Zenitsu.

"Are you okay, Zenitsu?" He asked him, pursing his lips together.

"Y-Yeah.. I hear Aphrodite. She's having a breakdown. I feel bad.." Zenitsu frowned, continuing to hear her distress. Tanjiro shared the same amount of concern.

"We can try cheering her up? Do we know what she likes?" Tanjiro asked, smiling warmly. Zenitsu looked at Inosuke, shaking his head no. Tanjiro looked down as he began to brainstorm. He sat down on a rock, resting his head in the palm of his hand.

"Do any of you guys know how to cook?" Tanjiro asked. Zenitsu's eyes lit up, nodding and smiling.

"I know how to make rice!" Zenitsu cheered.

"Everyone knows how to make rice." Tanjiro chuckled, and Zenitsu rolled his eyes. "We could ask Ms. Aoi to cook her something!" Tanjiro smiled, as Zenitsu nodded in agreement.

"Why should we care that she's sad? She should toughen up!" Inosuke yelled, crossing his arms as he looked at his friends.

"Her sister just left her, I'd be a little sad too," Zenitsu argued, trying to stay sympathetic. "I overheard Ms. Kocho say it's separation anxiety. Athena is probably the same way right now." Zenitsu's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Inosuke disapprovingly. Tanjiro was saddened at his words, standing up.

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