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Warnings: Sad Athennaa!!, Flirting?!

I totally messed up my uploading schedule! I'm so sorry!


"I'm glad you made it here safely. My name is Tecchin Tecchi Kawahara and I am the chief of this village. Nice to meet 'cha!" The frail, small man sat in front of Tanjiro, wearing a mask similar to Haganezuka. "I might be the smallest person in this village, but I'm also the most important," He pointed at his chest. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to see the quality of the bow you use to show respect."

Tanjiro leaned swiftly, his forehead roughly meeting the mat and slamming hard. "I'm Tanjiro Kamado! It's a privileged to meet you!" He yelled beneath his head.

"Oh my, what a fine young man, please, help yourself to some sweets." The man waved at him slowly.

"Thank you very much Sir!" He swiftly popped the candied nuts into his mouth, "These are delicious!"

"Indeed! Oh.. I know you're here for Hotaru, but unfortunately he's gone missing. It's nothing to worry about though, we'll soon find him." The chief sighed.

"Hotaru?" He questioned.

"That's right, Hotaru Haganezuka."

"That's such a cute name!" Tanjiro smiled.

"Isn't it? I'm actually the one who named him! He thinks it's too cute and resents me for naming him that." The chief slightly sighed, crossing his arms. "That boy's behavior has been like that since he was a child. As quickly as he loses his temper, he vanishes. I apologize."

"Please don't! After all, it's my fault! I'm the one breaking my sword!" Tanjiro pleaded, concern woven into his expression.

"No, you're wrong. He's the one that forged a faulty sword, so it's fault and only his fault." The man behind him began to swipe his arm back and forth. "More importantly, I hear that you still haven't quite recovered enough to start hunting demons again. And as such, if you don't have a sword by the time you're well, I will assign someone else to be your swordsmith. Speaking of healing, our hot springs works on injuries. Goodbye now!" The Chief waved him goodbye, dismissing him.

Tanjiro followed closely behind the Swordsmith, guiding him around the village and arriving at a sign that read, 'Bath' with a long staircase, lanterns running along the railing that's enclosed by tall trees. "You're in for a treat at this hot spring. It has all kinds of healing properties. For bruises, cuts, burns, hemorrhoids, bleeding piles, constipation, everything from gout to the pain of a broken heart. The hot spring will heal, the path will take you to it. I'll be down here, preparing your meal if you need anything."

"Yes, thank you so much!" Tanjiro smiled, hearing a sudden yelling come from the stairs, catching the man and his attention.


"Mitsuri! Please!"

"Tanjiro, It's you! It really is you! Listen, you've got to listen! Somebody ignored me up there just now! Athena will tell you, Thea, tell him!" Mitsuri cried. Athena hesitated, smiling nervously as she reunited with the boy.

"We tried talking to this tall guy with a scar, and when he saw us he immediately started to walk away and-"

"And when I asked his name, he ignored that too! Isn't that awful?! And I'm a Hashira! And all the good vibes I got from my bath have been canceled out!" She began crying into her hands, Athena comfortingly rubbing her back.

"If it helps, dinner with be ready soon." Tanjiro looked down at the woman, and then Athena. Blood rushed to his cheeks. He admired the similar braids in her hair, a single one that ran down her back. He looked back to the hashira, attempting to draw his attention away. "And it's Matsutake rice!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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