Goddamn Mistletoe (Joey x Reader) [CHRISTMAS REQUEST]

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*A/N: Hey all! It's been almost 3 years since my last post, and y'all are STILL reading and voting for my writing! TYSM<3 Hopefully, I'll be able to get past my current creative slump lol. Requests are still open btw, so give me some ideas for characters or actors*

*Y/N's POV*

     In honor of the digital release of A VHS Christmas Carol, my best friend Bryce and I decided to host a watch party for anyone from the team that could make it. Of course, we couldn't set up this party without help, so I recruited the help of Jaime and Curt too. I took control of the planning, assigning each person something to be in charge of: Curt volunteered to go buy the food, Jaime started texting everyone on the team, and Bryce and I started decorating our apartment. From garland to fairy lights, the place was looking fun and festive. 

     "So," Bryce smirked, "I may or may not have bought one last decoration."

     I looked up from the mess of Christmas lights that I had been untangling, "I don't like the tone you just used... What did you do this time Bryce?".

     She simply held up a piece of... "Mistletoe," Bryce stated, giving me a knowing look. 

     Laughing, I shook my head. "I can't believe you," I chuckled. 

     "You know me, Y/N," Bryce retorted, "I like to stir the pot." With a roll of my eyes, I returned to my task. A few seconds later, Bryce spoke up again, "Sooooo, who are you hoping to catch under the mistletoe, Y/N?" 

     I dropped the strand of lights that I was holding, my face turning pink. "I'm not-."

     "What's going on in here?" Curt's voice yelled from the door. He walked into the living area, Jaime close behind. 

     "Wait, Y/N, are you okay?" Jaime asked, "You look a bit flushed."

     Bryce gasped loudly, "So there IS someone!" 

     I tried to signal for Bryce to shut the fuck up, but it was too late. "Alright, I need to be filled in. What's going on?" Curt demanded. Jumping down from the stepstool, Bryce motioned for the others to join her on the couch. 

     "It appears that Y/N has a little bit of a thing for somebody on the team." Bryce declared. Jaime's eyes lit up; meanwhile, Curt's jaw dropped. 



     Everyone's voices were overlapping, and eventually, I shouted, "OKAY!" My friends instantly stopped talking, turning towards me. I sighed, standing up from the floor. "Okay... okay, I may or may not... have a crush on someone."

     "Well, no shit," Bryce quipped, "The question is: who is it?"

     Curt instantly turned to Jaime, then whispered something to her. She pulled out her phone. "Well, let's take a look at who all is gonna be here tonight...".

     I started to protest, but realized it was no use. "So, Lauren, Brolden, Meredith, Nick, Dylan..." As Jaime listed the names, Curt and Bryce kept sneaking glances at me. "...and AJ. Oh, hold on, Joey just responded saying that he can make it too."

     At that, my eyes widened. I tried to play it cool, but I wasn't fooling Bryce or Curt. "OMG," Bryce exclaimed, "You totally like him!"

     "Whaaaaattt?" I replied, trying to sound nonchalant, "No way."

     "Just admit it, Y/N," Curt laughed, "It's painfully obvious anyway."

     Confused, I asked, "How did you...?"

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