Robert x Reader

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A/N ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: If you are triggered by somebody shouting and/or pushing people, please just skip this imagine. The next one will be only fluff :) So, PLEASE don't say that I didn't give a warning or anything. There's also a small mention of blood. Also, (bold comment) means i'm commenting. Thanks, Harmony <3 

(there's also a lot of James being the wholesome best friend lol)

       "Twenty minutes 'til places!" Nick called, poking his head into the dressing room.

       "Thank you, twenty." I replied as I finished curling my y/h/c hair. It was supposed  to be a regular show tonight. Everything had been going fine... well, right up until Angela had called in sick with only a few hours until show time. Although I hadn't originally been cast in Black Friday, I was the only one who knew the part well enough.

       You see, I was in a different show in L.A. I would have been a part of this show, but these rehearsals over-lapped with my other performances. Because I had previously committed to the other musical, Nick decided that it would be best if I just stuck to one show. You may be wondering: Y/N, how do you know Lex's part if you weren't even cast? It's because I still sat in on their rehearsals after I had finished around noon. I stayed for two reasons: first, it gave me the chance to hang out with my friends everyday. Second, my boyfriend, Robert, was also cast. We've been dating for a few years now, and every second with him has been totally awesome.  We don't argue too much, which honestly worries me. Both of us tend to let anxiety build up, which will probably lead to one of us losing it (now, can somebody tell me what foreshadowing means?) 

       I pulled on my fuzzy green Sniggle arms, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. With one final dab of lipstick, I wandered out of the dressing room that I was in, then went to the other one. "There you are!" a voice exclaimed. 

       Lauren rushed up to me. "You look great! Where's Robert?" she questioned. I shrugged, scanning the room. 

       Jon piped up from the corner, "I think he's in the wings."

       I sent him a thankful grin, then went to go find Robert. Walking down a narrow hallway, I made my way into the dark backstage area. I breathed a sigh of relief as I spotted Robert standing behind a stack of boxes, watching the crowd file into their seats. 

       "Hey," I said softly.

       Robert looked back at the sound of my voice, letting his arms unfold. "Hey."

       Frowning at the worried look on his face, I asked, "Are you okay? You seem upset."

       Allowing me to squeeze his hand, he replied, "It's just... I'm afraid that we won't be able to pull off this show. Everything is changing last minute, and we're already behind in recording."

       I pulled him into a hug, gently rubbing his shoulder. "Listen: nobody knew that Angela would get sick. Whatever happens, it's going to be fine."

       Shaking himself free of my grasp, Robert sighed, "What if it's not? I mean,  our lead is out, and you're  only in this 'cause we can't cancel the show this late..."

       "What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, cutting him off. 

       "Well, you weren't cast!" Robert retorted, "The choreography is super complicated, and there's no way in hell that you have all of the lines down."

       I glared at him. "For your information, James taught me all of the dances too. Besides, I've been at every single one of the rehearsals. I've picked up..."

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