Robert x Reader

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Request: Reader is stressed and ends up not eating because they're over-working themself. (A/N: if you haven't yet, please eat and drink something! Love y'all, Harmony)

       "Just ten more minutes!" I snapped, focusing all of my attention on the computer screen in front of me, "My entire career is depending on this script. It has to be perfect." 

       Robert sighed, "Y/N, you've been working non-stop for the past two days. You need to take a break. I'm starting to get worried about you." 

       Rolling my eyes, I turned to face him, "I'm fine, Rob. I can take a break after I finish this. Just give me ten more minutes. I'll be fine." With a small 'fine,' Robert kissed the top of my head before heading back into the living room. 

       I went back to work for a little bit, but my eyes started to feel heavy. Maybe just a few seconds won't hurt , I thought, resting my head on my desk. Letting my eyes close, I slowly drifted to sleep. 

        I was woken up by a soft tap on my shoulder. Instantly, I sat up, panicked. "How long have I been sleeping?" 

       "Only about an hour..." Robert started, but I didn't let him finish. 

        "SHIT!" I groaned, "I still haven't finished editing Act Two. Matt's gonna kill me if this doesn't get done..." 

       Robert gently grabbed my hand. "Y/N, will you please listen to me?" I froze, finally letting him close my laptop. "Nick and Matt are giving you the rest of the month to work on the script. You don't have to get it all done in two nights. Listen, I know you're worried about this, but you are insanely talented. They're letting you write this for a reason. You're going to be okay."

       I sat there for a moment, then stood up and hugged him. "I'm sorry..." 

       Returning the hug, he muttered, "I know. Just remember that you're already ahead of schedule. You're doing just fine." I nodded, burying my face into his chest. A few seconds passed, then Robert questioned, "Y/N, when's the last time you ate something?" I thought for a moment, then shrugged. 

       "I don't remember..." 

       "Come on, let me make you something." I let him lead me to the kitchen table. "Do you want some scrambled eggs?"

       "Robert, it's 10:30 pm..."

       Laughing, he rolled his eyes, "Don't judge me. What do you want? I'll see if I can make (your favorite food)." 

       "You're too nice to me," I chuckled. Robert handed me a glass of water while we waited for my food to be ready. 

       "Nonsense. I'd do anything for you Y/N. I love you, and I want to make sure you're not over working yourself." 

       I grinned as he pressed his lips to my knuckles. "I love you too, Robert. Thank you." 

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. School sucks lol. To whoever requested this, I accidentally deleted the notification, and I don't remember your @ . If you want me to tag you, please leave a comment! Please continue to comment suggestions!!! 

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