Jon Matteson x Reader

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       The shop was unusually quiet for a Friday in L.A. It was strange to have a completely empty Starbucks during the week, but I was not complaining. We didn't have a drive through, so that was never an issue. My friend, Tanya, worked the same shifts as me, so we always had fun.

         "This is boring," Tanya groaned, tossing a paper towel into the trash can. 

       Grinning, I suggested, "Why don't we spice things up?" I unlocked my phone and turned on our favorite Starkid soundtrack. We both ran out from behind the counter when "Cup of Roasted Coffee" started playing. Singing along, we started doing the choreography.

       I had an overly-cheesy smile plastered on my face since I was "performing" as Zoey. Tanya and I danced around the entire shop, laughing hysterically as we went. We were having such a good time, I barely noticed a car pulling into the parking lot. "SHIT!" I screamed, rushing back behind the counter, "Act natural."

       I quickly turned off the music, fixing my hair. Pushing my headband back, I watched as two guys climbed out of the car. One of them was wearing a very  familiar blue shirt... 

       "Is that...?" Tanya gasped. It was. Robert Manion and Jon Matteson were crossing the road, heading directly towards our Starbucks. "What do we do? We're gonna seem like super obsessed fangirls."

       I paused, "Well, then we can't let them know that we're super obsessed fangirls." The bell chimed, signaling that they had walked in. "Go on," I whispered, "You take their order. Oh, and make sure to ask their names." 

       While Tanya tried to casually take their order, I started wiping down the counter. Although I wasn't looking at them, I could feel someone's eyes on me. Sneaking a look out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed Jon kept awkwardly glancing over at me. They eventually went and sat down. Tanya gave me their orders, and we started making drinks. 

       I noticed that one of the drinks was a reference to The Guy Who Didn't Musicals : a grande caramel frappuccino with ten pumps of hazelnut, three shots of espresso, no caramel drizzle, but with whipped cream on top. Huh, I'd always wondered if it was any good. Making the drink as quickly as possible, I got it done in two minutes, which was a record for me. "Grande caramel frap." I called over to the boys' table. Jon stood up, walking over to the counter. 

       "Thanks," he said with a small smile. 

       "Of course!" I grinned, silently cursing myself for being so awkward. Once they got their drinks, the two parked themselves at a table, chatting quietly. Instead of staring at them, I decided to add some background noise. "It's too quiet," I groaned, grabbing my phone. I went to the music app and turned on the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. There were two reasons that I chose that particular album: first, I love the show; second, I knew that Robert and Jon liked it too. 

       As the first few chords of the main title poured through the speakers, I watched as they both looked up. A look of realization washed over their faces as they recognized the song. They both shared a grin before talking in hushed whispers. 

*Jon's POV*

       Suddenly, Phantom of the Opera starts filling the shop. I looked over at Robert, grinning. "No way..." I whispered to myself. 

       "What?" Robert demanded quietly, a smirk on his face.

       I chuckled quietly, "Cute and  has a good taste in music?"

       My friend's eyes widen. "Ooh, which one you got your eye on?" I motioned discreetly to the one who had handed me my drink. "They're cute, you should talk to them!"

       "Oh god, no," I muttered, "I'll just end up making a fool of myself. Besides, someone that attractive has  to be taken." 

       Robert rolled his eyes. "You'll be fine. I'm gonna go chat with the other worker. You should make a move while you've got the chance." 

       "Maybe..." I sighed.

*Y/N's POV*

       Why were they staring at us? I tried to ignore their not-so-discreet looks as I cleaned up a bit more. Suddenly, Jon stood up, moving towards the counter. He clears his throat, and I turned to him. "Can I help you?" I asked, approaching him. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Robert got up and had started a conversation with Tanya. 

       "No... well, actually, yes. Um, I just wanted to say that, er, you look really nice. I mean, you look pretty today. Not that you wouldn't... sorry..." he stuttered, immediately turning bright red. 

       I laughed softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "Thank you. That's very sweet." 

       A look of relief crossed his face. "Um, I hope this doesn't seem too weird, but do you think I could maybe get your number?"

       I paused, wondering if I was still dreaming, "Hand me a napkin, will you?" He grinned, pulling a napkin from the dispenser. Reaching for a pen, I wrote my phone number down. This couldn't be real. Jon Freaking Matteson just asked for my number!! Handing him the napkin back, I couldn't help smiling. 

       He stared at him for a few seconds, before saying, "Thanks. I gotta get back to rehearsals, but see you around?"

        I questioned, "Wait, are you guys rehearsing at the Hudson Theatre?"

       "Yeah! How did you know?"

       I sighed, cringing, "Confession time: I recognized you from a show I saw online. I heard that the company was going to be working at the Hudson, so I just assumed..." 

       He laughed, "You watched The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals?"

      "Yup! It's one of my favorites now. You were fantastic as Paul, by the way." I replied

       Jon grinned, "That means a lot, thank you. I'm assuming you're into theatre then?"

       I answered, "Yeah, singing's my passion, but I'm too hard on myself. I just don't like my voice, despite what others say." 

       With a small grin, he said, "Well, I'd like to hear you sing sometime. Maybe I could take you out? We could have our own karaoke party." 

       "That sounds nice. I can't wait."

       "Well, we'd better get going. It was so good to meet you... I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

       "Y/N." I laughed.

       "Y/N," he stated, "I like it. See you soon?"

       "Call me, 'kay?" I replied, waving as the two boys walked out the door. I wasn't entirely sure where the wave of confidence had come from, but it really helped. Tanya and I shared an excited look before squealing loudly and having a fan-girl session over what had just happened.

(These are the kinds of things that give me unrealistic expectations for my relationship lol)

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