Jon Matteson x Reader

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⚠️TW: This imagine is going to include images of special effects makeup, which will include fake blood. If you don't want to see blood, please click to a different imagine.⚠️ Thx, Harmony <3      

        "Can you pull up the reference picture, babe?!" I shouted, grabbing my makeup and face paint from my dresser before rushing back to the living room. It was almost Halloween, and I had finally convinced Jon to let me try special effects make up on him. 

        I stepped into the small living room, as Jon pulled a chair into the middle of the room. "It's on the TV." he replied with a grin.

       Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, I smiled, "You're the best." 

       "You two are adorable... it's sickening," my roommates, Aliza, grumbled. 

      "You're just jealous," I retorted, quickly pressing my lips to Jon's. After I had pulled away, I laid my brushes and containers out on the kitchen table. "Okay, so I was thinking that I could try to make it look like you just got attacked by a werewolf, and you're beginning your transformation." 

       His eyes widened. "Damn, that sounds cool! Is it gonna look like the movies?" he questioned excitedly, with almost child-like enthusiasm. 

       Chuckling, I answered, "I hope so!" I grabbed a brush and the liquid latex bottle and got to work. As I worked, we talked about our upcoming performances and other plans. 

       Jon had the idea to live stream as I worked so that the fans could see it too. After a few minutes of Jon talking to the fans, he said to me, "Y/N, the fans want to know how you learned to do special effects makeup?" 

       "I taught myself!" I replied, applying some fake blood to the side of his face. 

       He chuckled, "How is it possible for one human being to be so talented?" 

       Laughing, I replied, "Look who's talking." When I had completed the look, I handed Jon a mirror so that he could see. "That's it!"


       "Holy shit!" Aliza gasped as she walked back into the room

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       "Holy shit!" Aliza gasped as she walked back into the room. 

       "What happened?" Robert called. He rushed in, but jumped when he saw Jon's face. 

       I grinned, "Ta da..."

       Jon's face lit up the second he saw the final product. "Wow, that looks amazing, honey! It looks so real!"

       "Glad you like it," I responded before gently pressing my lips to his.

A/N I love spooky season, so this was a short & fluffy imagine for the holiday! -Harmony

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