Brian Rosenthal x Reader

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A/N: This is entirely based on a Tiktok I saw. You can find the og vid on @tayamillerr 's page! Thx, Harmony <3

       "Are you sure this will work?"

       "Trust me, it'll be fine."

       "Brian, the last time we tried something like this, you fell..." I retorted, still wondering why I agreed to this. 

       After one fan's comment that Brian looked like Spiderman, he came up with the idea to reenact the Spidey and MJ kiss. He didn't tell me this until he was standing in my apartment, wearing the suit. That was about... 10 minutes ago? 

       Laughing, Brian replied, "We'll think of something different this time! Something that isn't attached to the wall." 

       Finally, I gave in. "Let me put on something nicer, then we'll start." With that, I hurried into my room and locked the door. After rummaging through my closet for a bit, I found a pink dress/shirt (either works!) that instantly reminded me of MJ's outfit in the movie. After changing and pulling back my hair, I stepped back into the living space. "Alright, how should we do this?"

       Brian turned to me, then stopped dead in his tracks. "Y/N... wow.  You look stunning!" he gasped, staring. 

       "Thanks, you look great too," I answered, my face slowly turning pink. We set up my phone on its stand before adjusting the lights. 

       Brian asked, "So, where are we gonna do this? I gotta be upside down, otherwise it's not worth doing." A few seconds passed. "What about the couch?"

       "Yeah," I thought before continuing, "What if you have your head hanging off of the arm rest so that you don't get hurt this time?" 

       "Good idea." With that, Brian pulled the mask on and flopped onto the couch. 

       After positioning the camera, I questioned, "Would it be easier to take a video so that I'm not running back and forth?"

       "Yeah, start a video, and we can screenshot some clips later."

       "Alright." I pulled up the camera and hit record, "Hi, I'm Y/N L/N..."

       "...and I'm Brian Rosenthal!" a muffled voice from the couch yelled. 

       Stifling a laugh, I explained, "So, today Brian and I are going to recreate the Spidey and MJ kiss from the movie." 

       After we had discussed how I was supposed to do this, I carefully pulled off the mask until it was right above his lips. I leaned down... then burst out laughing. 

       "Dude, what?"

       "Why does your mouth look like that?"

       "Jesus, Y/N," Brian groaned, chuckling at my weirdness. 

       We tried again a few more times, but they all went something like this:

       "Stop smiling! It looks like you're going to laugh, but then I  laugh." 

       "Y/N... we're never gonna get this done if you don't stop laughing."

       *accidentally pulls mask the whole way off* "Peter?" "Oh shit, gotta go."

       Eventually, we'd both calmed down. Once I'd pulled the mask down enough, I cupped his cheek and pressed my lips to his. After a few seconds, I moved to pull away, but Brian grabbed my hand. "No, wait... come back." 

       I grinned, kissing him once more. When we finally pulled apart, I whispered, "I love you."

       Brian took the mask the rest of the way off, then stood up to wrap his arms around me. "I know." 

       "...was that a Star Wars reference?"


       I playfully hit his arm. "Weirdo." We stood still for a few moments, just staring in awe at each other. After a bit, I thought aloud, "Hold up, I forgot to turn off the camera." 

Finally some content that isn't Rob or Jon lol. Let me know who I should write for next!!

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