Coming Out to the Team (Reader x All) [Platonic]

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*A/N: hi! this one goes out to anyone who has either come out or is still in the closet. you are seen, you are valid, and you are loved <3 xoxo Harmony*

*Y/N's POV*

     Okay... you can do this... You know everyone's gonna be supportive. Why are you so nervous?? Most of these people are some sort of gay, so they'll be happy for me... right?  My mind floods with overlapping thoughts, anxiety making my chest feel tighter and tighter the more I brace myself to break the news. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, then brush my palms against my jeans in a pitiful attempt to stop them from sweating. Just as I considered backing out, my best friend walks in, as if cued. 

     "Hey, we're gonna- oh... Y/N? You okay?" Mariah is instantly sitting by my side. I jump up from the bed, shut the door, then flop back down. 

     I instantly start rambling, "No... I'm freaking out. I shouldn't be this anxious about something like this... and I know you guys are my closest friends... my mind is just... loud."

     "What's going on? You don't have to tell me, but just know that I'm here for you no matter what. I love you, bitch." Mariah pulls me into an awkward half-hug, giving me a small grin.

     I instantly start losing it, letting the tears that were once from anxiety fall as I grab my stomach, laughing. "Wow, I'm  the bitch?" 

     "I'M SORRY," she cackles, "I was just trying to ease the tension... did it work?"

     I nod, allowing myself to catch my breath. We sit in comfortable silence for a bit, an occasional chuckle escaping. Eventually, I let out a shaky breath. "'Riah? I have something to tell you. Just, before I tell you, just know that I cherish our friendship, and I really hope this doesn't change anything."

     "Y/N, you're scaring me..."

     "I'm (insert sexuality)."

     A beat. 

     "Girl, that's great! I'm really glad you felt safe enough to share... did you really think I was gonna judge?"

     I sigh, "No... just anxiety." 

     "REAL." She gestures, then I accept her hug. I pull back after a second, thinking. 

     "Will you help me figure out how to tell the others? I know they'll be supportive too... I just get nervous." 

     "Of course! Were you thinking something serious or something silly?"

     I take a minute to think, then replied, "Fuck it. They're all gay anyway. Let's camp it up."

     We ended up brainstorming the idea of a "Little White Lie" themed party (the anniversary just so happened to line up), and invited everyone on the team to wear a white lie t-shirt. I figured it would be the perfect way since all I had to do was write down a lie on a plain white tee. Mariah and I pretended that this was merely a watch party and singalong. Imagine the shocked looks on my friends' faces when I greeted them at the door wearing a shirt that read: "I'm NOT (insert sexuality)." 

     Fortunately, everyone loved the shirt and made their support clear instantly. I spent the rest of the night laughing, singing, and being thankful to be surrounded by people that love and accept me for who I am. 


*A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long; between school, mental health, and competitions, I haven't had enough time to write. Sorry it was so short, but please lmk if there's anything y'all want to see! Also, i'm blanking on who requested this one, but i'll tag in comments. LOVE YOU <3*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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