Robert x Reader

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(just for clarification, they've been in a secret relationship for a few months. The fans don't know yet, but a mishap during a live stream leads to the reveal...)

"Dah dah dah... guys, I'm gonna stop here. It sounds... not good." Robert's voice groaned from the living room. I looked up from my book, wondering why Robert would ever think he doesn't sound good. Although the door to my bedroom was shut, I could still hear his singing. He was live streaming on Instagram and singing through some theatre songs.

The sound of my boyfriend's voice floated through the apartment, and I grinned to myself as I listened to his singing. His voice really was amazing. I have no clue how he does it. Suddenly, Robert yells, "Y/N! The fans want to say hi to you." Chuckling quietly, I placed a random scrap of paper inside to save my spot. Then, I got up and walked into the living room.

Robert had his phone propped up on a stand, but turned to face me as I entered from behind him. "Hey, everybody!" I exclaimed, waving.

"For everybody who doesn't know, Y/N is our roommate and the greatest person ever. She's an incredibly amazing singer..." Robert started, grinning.

"Lies," I interrupted, "you're wayyy better." Leaning closer to the phone, I read comments in the chat. Most of them were saying hello to me, but there was one in particular that caught my eye.

They would make such a cute couple.

If only they knew... "Somebody suggested that we sing a duet? Would you be alright with that?" Robert asked.

"Of course!" I replied, "Which song should we pick?" After much debate, we finally settled on "Suddenly Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors. (A/N: I love this song so much, idk why) Robert pulled up a karaoke track on the television for us to use. I took the time to get into character, thinking about all of the shit that Audrey went through. I watched intently as Robert started singing, a small grin on my face.

Waiting until he finished his verse, I cleared my throat before starting:

Nobody ever
Treated me kindly
Father left early,
Mama was poor
I'd meet a man and i'd
Follow him blindly.
He's snap his fingers.
Me, I'd say, sure

I put as much emotion into the song as I could, genuine tears forming in my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Robert staring at me with the biggest grin on his face. Blushing, I gave him a dorky smile. Then, we prepared to sing the last refrain of the song. Robert reached out, taking my hands in his own as we sang. I gazed into his green/blue/grey eyes, and we hit the final note, our voices blending in (half-decent) harmony. When the song was over, we burst out laughing.

       "That was incredible, love!" Robert exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me.

       I beamed, returning the hug. After a few seconds, I pulled away with a chuckle. Robert suddenly grew quiet for a bit. Then, without warning, he leaned down and swiftly connected our lips. My eyes widened, but I kissed back, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other around his waist.

       We slowly pulled back, huge smiles on our faces. "Oh shit," I realized, whispering, "The camera's still on."

       Panicked, Robert turned to face the phone. "Well, now might be a good time to tell you guys that Y/N and I are dating..." he stated, standing behind me so he could wrap his arms around my shoulders.
       I snorted, "You think?" Smirking, Robert playfully rolled his eyes at me.
       "Now that the fans know, you wanna be in my lives from now on? We can do more duets if you want."

       "Of course... love," I replied.

       We said goodbye to the live stream, then flopped down on the couch. "You really do have an amazing voice, you know?" Rob said, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

       Leaning my head on his bicep, I answered, "Thank you." We sat in silence for a little, simply enjoying each other's company. Out of nowhere, Robert casually kissed my cheek. Turning to face him, I joked, "You missed."

       With a blush and a small grin, he pressed his lips to mine once more.

(I'm sorry that was so short. But please leave prompts and suggestions)

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