Chapter 6

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„Lucy please!"



„Melissa I said no."

I rolled my eyes and slowly made my way back to the bed.

I was begging Lucy to let me go on a walk by myself just for a bit but she refused to let me leave the house.

When I made it back into my room I slowly eased myself onto the bed, setting the crutches next to it and pulling a pillow under my ankle. It didn't hurt that much as it is a week after the survey, but it was still an uncomfortable feeling. It might be because of the painkillers I have in me.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift into sleep but it didn't happen. Instead I was standing blankly on the wall in front of me.

I looked right where through the window I could see the Spanish sun peaking with its rays of light.

My daydreaming was interrupted by a knock on the door and Lucy opening it.

„Can I come in?" I Nodded and moved a bit so she could sit down next to me, popping her legs up as she was now basically half sitting and half lying on my bed the same as me.

„You know I love you right?" She asked after a minute of silence.

I frowned: „Yeah, why?"

„I just...I know I'm not letting you do the things you want to do but it's for your own good. I know how hard it is just lying in bed and not being able to do anything. Just please trust me." She turned my way and interacted our fingers together.

I looked down at our hands: „I know, it just feels like when I've done my ACL...but my father let me do everything I wanted even though the doctor told me to rest. I went to school three days after the surgery." Lucy had a stone cold face set on her.

„Well, but I'm not your father are going to do what is best for you." She said as I just nodded, closing my eyes and letting my head fall down on Lucy's shoulder.

When I woke up it was dark in my room due to the blinds beginning to pull down covering the hot sun from entering my room.

The other strange thing was that I was alone...Lucy was nowhere near me and Narla wasn't lying at my feet either.

I tried to stand up but I hit my ankle on the side of the bed letting out a yell in pain and holding onto my ankle trying to breathe through the pain.

My door flew open in a second and worried Keira stood there: „Are you okay Mel? What happened?" She was asking me while helping me lay back down.

I sigh: „Yeah, I just hit my ankle." I sink back down feeling worse than before. Keira shot me a small smile and ran a hand through my hair.

„Where were you going?" she asked.

„I wanted to go to the living room. I wanted to ask Lucy something." I replied letting out a whimper as I felt a pain shoot through my whole leg.

„She went out with Narla but maybe I can help you?" She asked.

I tense up a bit: „Um... don't get me wrong, but...I will wait for Lucy." I could sense that Keira's body language was changing, but I wasn't comfortable with her helping me.

„Well okay, and what exactly do you need help with?"

I whispered: „Shower...I need help showering." Keira frowned.

„Why can't I help you with that?"

„I don't know... I'm just more comfortable with Lucy... Sorry." I suddenly felt terrible when I said that out loud. I could sense that Keira wasn't really happy with my decision.

She breathed out: „Okay...can I help you with anything else? Or is Lucy doing everything better than I do?"

I pursed my lips: „I...I didn't mean it like are better than Lucy in so many things."

„Like?" She asked, looking at me with a small smirk. I know she isn't mad, maybe a little disappointed but she didn't show it.

„Cooking... playing midfielder... know as I'm mentioning cooking...I have a feeling for some of your toast." I smirked at her back as she laughed and rolled her eyes.

„Are you hungry?" She patted my head as if I was a dog.

„Yes, could you pleaaaseee make me your famous toast?" I put on my puppy eyes hoping she would answer yes without any difficulties.

„Of course I could. Do you want to go downstairs too?" She asked, standing up and watching as I tried to get up.

„Yes please." I replied and she helped me up as I grabbed my crutches and we slowly made our way downstairs.


I was making my way over to the Bronze flat to see Mel when I realised I had left my phone at home.

Puta!" I say under my breath and turn around making my way back home.


After Lucy came back home and helped me shower and Keira and I ate our sandwiches we were all sitting in the living room watching some shows on TV.

„Is Jana coming today?" Lucy asked me as we watched.

I shrugged: „She said she would. Not sure when though."

Lucy nodded as I got the idea to let me go out yet again.

„Lucy?" I asked.


I took a deep breath: „Is there any chance you would let me go out now?"

She sat up quickly as if I burned her back with hot coals: „What in the word "No" did you not understand the first time?"

„I... pleaseee Lucy. Oxygen and vitamin D from the sun are important." I sit up.

„Wait till Jana comes can go together." Keira said as Lucy shot her a dead glare.

„Okay, can I wait for her downstairs?" I asked which Keira nodded and I slowly stood up and made my way down the elevator and outside of the building.

I sat down on the nearest bench looking at my phone waiting for Jana to text me that she is on her way.

„Melissa? Is that you?" A person stood above me.

„What are you-"


This is the short one, I know. I'm in a deep writing block as of every Christmas.

Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou a tothom!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I want to definitely post between the holidays. We will see how it goes.

I read all of you saying you want to see the process of Mel's physical therapy so I'll put it in!

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