Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes the next day as I felt Beckas hand on my waist. I carefully lifted it and wiggle out of her embrace. I don't even know how it happened.

I sighed and took my phone from the nightstand and checked the time.
12pm I sighed and closed my eyes again.

SHIT! SHIT! I quickly opened my eyes and checked the time again.
12:05pm. I shot from the bed almost falling down and quickly tried to gather my things.

“Shit shit shit.” I was mumbling to myself and didn't even realise Becka was now up too.

“Where are you rushing to?” She asked with a sleepy voice.

“I AM LATE! I AM SO FUCKING LATE!” I yelled at her and quickly pulled on the team sweatpants and ran down the stairs.

Becka ran after me: “Hey, stop for a second. Where are you going?”

“I'll explain later, I just really have to go. Thanks for the sleepover bye.” I was saying as I was putting on my shoes dragging my Nike bag over my shoulder running out of Becka's house.

I ran as fast as I could. I stopped at a red light and quickly pulled out Jana's jersey over my head covering my white tank top I slept in.

And then I ran again. I showed people out of my way and literally ran slalom between people.

The game started at 11am. I am so fucked. While I was running I checked the phone again. 12:35pm.

I pushed myself even more. I knew it was almost too late now, but I didn't stop.

I saw the stadium and ran to the entrance.

“Hey, the game is over, there is no point of getting in.” the bodyguard said as I handed him the ticket.

“You don't understand. You know who I am, come on.” I begged.

He sighed: “Look, I know you are here in the friends and family section but the game is over kid.”

A tear bringed in my eyes: “Please, I have to go in.”

He looked at me and then scanned the ticket in my hand: “Go.”

I quickly thanked him and ran straight to the direction of changing rooms.

I went to open the door when my hand stopped me: “Where the fuck have you been?”

It was the captain's voice.

It was Alexia's voice.

“I slept in and I had to run all the way here and-” she cut me off by pulling me down the hall: “I don't care about your excuses. You should have been here! For us or if not us for fuck sake for JANA! Your girlfriend? You remembered her?”
I looked down ashamed. I didn't have any arguments about this. I was indeed neglancing my relationship without realising it.

“Nothing to say?” She asked as I shook my head still having a hard time breathing from the run.

“I'm not letting you see her.” At this my head shot up.

“No, I have to see her.” I said firmly.

“You should have been in the stands. Jana played amazing if you want to know. She even scored a goal…and that's good shit for a defender.” Alexia had this venom in her voice which I think I'll never forget.

“Please let me go see her. I know I fucked up but I tried to get here! I didn't forget!” I begged.

“I don't care. I'll alert Lucy and Keira that you are here. But-” she put a finger on my chest: “you are not stepping foot into that changing room.”

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