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Scorbunny take a deep breathe and exhale it, followed with the flowing grass around his body has dissipated.

"Scorbun!" With that cry, Scorbunny turn around and approach Ash happily.

Ash snapped out of his mind and give his proud, toothy smile and give scorbunny a head rub, "That was really cool, Scorbunny!"


"Scorbun!" Scorbunny is appreciating the praise really much.

While for Rucco, he pulled out voltorb's pokeball.

"Return, voltorb."

Ash and everyone else pay attention to Rucco again. After returning voltorb, Rucco told voltorb, "Our strategy is already good, but it looks like something unexpected happen at the last one, so it's okay."

Rucco pulled out another pokeball and toss it, "Next up, Dragonite!"

Dragonite materialized in the battle field and instantly dragonite give Scorbunny the scariest leer, which made Scorbunny panicked.

The bunny run so fast to the crowd that made everyone except the refferee and the battler close their eyes with how many smokes scorbunny created while running away.

As the smoke clear away, one of the boys spotted scorbunny.

"There he is! He's behind that girl!"

Everyone see the way the boy point his finger and Liko and Anne realized it pointed towards either of them. When Anne and Liko looked a bit down, they saw Scorbunny, clinging on to Liko's back shaking in fear.

"U-umm.. it's okay.." Liko rub scorbunny's head gently, "That dragonite is scary.. but since you're here with us, that dragonite won't come to hurt you so... please calm down, okay??"

Slowly scorbunny fear start to disappeared, and it replace with a warm happiness.

"Scorbun!" Now scorbunny cheered up after his fear's gone.

"Good job Liko! You manage to calm down Ash's pokemon!"

"T-thanks.. Eh??"

Out of nowhere, Scorbunny sat on the left side of Liko's Lap. Sprigatito, who's been sitting on Liko's lap the entire time, decide to make space so that both of them could sat on Liko's lap comfortable.




Sprigatito looks like don't mind sharing a spot at Liko's lap to watch the battle.

Everyone else watch what's currently happening made some people start to comment, especially the girls.

"Ash's Scorbunny is fine with that blue haired girl!"

"How lucky for her to be able to have the world Monarch's pokemon befriend her that easily!"

"I'm jealous of her! I wish that was me."

"Is she supposed to be Ash Ketchum's Girlfriend???"

That last comment made Liko face flushed red so bright like a pecha Berry.

Anne nudged Liko with a tease, "Good job on scoring sith him, Liko! Hehehe."

Liko flushed brighter and retorted, "W-W-We're not dating!"

"Yet." Anne added that word, made Liko blushed to another level shade of red, "Cmon, you two were fated by the world."

Liko cannot take it anymore and her blushing face let her some smokes coming out of her head. She also started to connect some dots.

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