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Danny is my official accouting tutor found out he is a math genius so I  just had to use him to my advantage. We have spend so much time together going to the mall, watching movies or just going out to partys he keeps getting invited to and drags me along. That didn't sit right with a lot of girls on campus I still get dirty looks walking to my next class. We are not dating thou I mean he seams like an amazing guy but I don't have time or the will power to fight with my mom. He has gracefully adopted me as his sister, but am not telling his admires that...I secretly like the attention plus he uses my name to get rid of the 'crazies' as he so cheerily puts it. I am meeting his brother for dinner next week. Thats why am in the mall with leaf try to pick out something appropriate to wear.

"Aaru I don't know about t-this.... I mean it makes m..." "Would you stop, you look bad ass. Seriously" she reasures me with a flat tone. Am not convinced.

I don't have a flat stomach, or skinny looking arms. Am a chubby girl and thats my biggest insecurity. I have grown up being home schooled by my mom for a quarter of my life till I finally convinced her to let me go to middle school. The only way she let me go was because my father was no longer around and she knew the principal of the private school, something about being on the same college football team. I convinced her other kids my age would do me good.

I thought it was going to be great. Reality kinda had other plans I got pick on by the other girls about my weight. I went on multiple diets without my moms knowledge even starved my self. Just so I could fit in, be part of them....and still came up short. So I directed all my attention to my studies, my weight didn't stop me from going out with friends it just made all gatherings a third wheel being the third wheel. I couldn't confide in my mom about my insecurities cause all she would do is pull me from school again and I would be surrounded by nothingness and not the few friends I made. I'd be lonely again.

Aaru was always by my side. She came like a god send gift to me. She kept me strong, kept me focused. I know right am the one with the stable head but it's because she was there, my strength. She would get us into alot of shit, start fights with the girls that picked on me, punch guys that played with my feelings square in the face. She even tout me a few self defense moves. Mostly she was just as lonely as I was coming from a wealthy family where her parents never had time for the simplest of things we got each other out of those  dark place.

I'm currently standing infront of a full length mirror in one of my fav stores picking out an outfit so I could make a good impression of danny older brother. I honestly don't know why this is so important but I feel like it has to be.

"Wow, seriously at the age of 26. That impressive" "Yeah now you see why I want to make a good impression he's achieved so much I don't want him thinking am not good enough to be around his math genius of a brother" " your being paranoid Mr general ,big shot business fellow will love you everyone does" she places her hands on my shoulder before continuing "...and you wearing some old lady plade pencil skirt is not going to change shit" "it is ugly as fuck " she burst out laughing " you knew it and you still made me wear this..." " You looked cute in a old lady with a three cats kind of way" she explaned having a laughing fit. I just glare at her unable to contain my own laughter.

We settled on a navy blue wavy dress with white dandelions that the sales rep recommend. We broused a little longer before she ditched me to go to some house party. I ended up going to this great chicken place and ordered some Chicken rolls cause I was starving. Took a seat at the back and worked on my ecom assignment. One roll in and I hear some commotion caused by the guy on the table next to me.

"ARE YOU BLIND. Is this what you get pay for" he Loudens his voice to a boy that look about 18 part timer maybe " No sirrr...I mean am sorry...I just" he grabs the boy by the collar
"Do you have any idea what i-"

A Warden's Chubby Obsession Where stories live. Discover now