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My eyes shoot up to meet his smirking ones. A few apploded and your can hear the sarcasm in their slow uneven clapping  "OMG thats you am so proud of you Ché" Aaru says as she side hugs me yet my eyes never leave his. I mean it is an amazing opportunity and I will take is as such.

That class clear out a rushing to shake his hands and thank him for coming. I was on my way out when Mrs o'Nyle stoped me."Roché...please stay behind for instructions, this is such a big opportunity to further your research and meet influencial people that will further your career congrats once again....hey miss steel your not in my class..are you?" "Na just visiting Mrs o'Nyle" Aaru shamelessy admitts she had to get to her next class and she would meet me at home for the juicy details they walk of leaving my overthinking ass alone with him all the students have clear the room now.

"Watch out you may burn a whole in my skull" he jokingly said. I close the distance between us slowly he is seated on the desk with his legs and arms crossed "why me? Why my research? What's the angle?" I ask crossing my own arms over my chest "why not you fire?" He continues "Your research stands on what my company's foundation was build off of and I do admit that over the years I have lost site of that but your paper...your paper just reminded of of it all that  plus you did offside research on your own expensive show your devotion in what you did and I don't invest when I know I won't make money"he takes a deep sigh clearing his throat.

"Now that am your employer display only the good manner not the mediocre show of muliebrity from early this week at the mall" he extended his hand

"Roché Joseph nice to meet you Mr arrogant" "Aiden Adamson" eyebrow raised questioning my next decisions. I put on the fakest smile and respond with "Mr Adamson, so this is the part where I tell you that 'you won't regret giving me a chance" he pulls me closer to his firm chest. Am so close our noses almost touch. So close I could smell his fresh woodsy colone. So close the his minty sweet breath fans my face "I know I won't, Mr fire" he gently whispers.

Fast forward our intense moment, cause I really wish to spare your the boring details. All I wanted was to kick him in his nuts so that his next generation would still feel it. I did push him away and all the creep did was smile down at me. I couldn't help the blush that coloured my checks. He also gave me my schedule for the first two weeks prior to when i start which is Monday "This is not cemented, a few things may change as the week hours start at eight but, your expected at 07:30. Be punctual..." interlocking his suit jacket over his arm walking toward the door he appended "...I take my coffee black, two sugars and a bacon bagel" he escapes before I could answer him.

I told my mom about my new internship and the best she could come up with was 'Why would you settle for less' I hated her for never being a tipical mother and just being proud of my small achievements no matter how miniscule it may seem to her. I have always worked hard to make her happy. I wish my father was still a live he would know just how to comfort me he always has.

"Charlie and the chocolate factory" I looked down bemused into another set of familiar brown eyes sitting at the foot of my bed Danny's.
"How did you know this is my fav movie" he smiles "Aaru told me about the internship even though she can't remember the name of the company, but describe in graphic detail what the owners physique looked I came over to say congrats but I...overheard the convo with your mom...I'm sorry" "It's fine....a-am o-okay...already use to the lack of affection from her side" I say with a quivering lip

"HEY no tears let's pop this bad boy in and drown our sarrows in the craving for chocolate" he sit next to me on the bed after retrieving some snacks from the kitchen. We laughed through the movie but not at anything happening on the screen. I was laughing at danny's antics. The strories that he swears are true. He never fails to put a smile on my face. At some point I fell asleep on his shoulder during the movie. Comfort, joy, acceptance.

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