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It took alot of convincing for both Aaru and danny to allow me to go to work. I spend the weekend getting treated like I was sick. 'Don't move so much. Do you need anything'. Their concerns for me was admirable but it got tiring fast. Plus having to act like a refiry, breaking up fights against them. They both believe their way of treatment is correct so of course that would clash. I needed to get away from both of the. I didn't inform my mom cause I know she wouldn't care and if she did I just didn't wish to worry her. The thought of running to the cayman islands crossed more then once this weekend with them but I guess a cubicle will do just fine. There is no way in hell am passing up this opportunity. Not because I want to stick a rode up Mr arrogant ass, but because this is actually a really amazing opportunity to pass up.

Am finally dressed in a light pink pencil skirt with a slip across my tigh and a white long sleeve blouse and some black 2inch block heels. I got here on time met a beautiful, sweet women in her late 20's tall, slinder with black wavy hair called Navie Sanders she was Mr arrogant personal receptionist she showed me to my desk which has a perfect view of nothing, you would think a building of this structure would have 360 degree view of the glorious city that surrounds it. 'Need to make an official complaint'

I think am gonna be a little underpaid here. She told me what would be expected of me and how Mr Adamson likes things. Am not going to bore you with the details lets just say he is a picky bastard am yet to see him for the morning. 'Be punctual, Ms Fire... hypocrite'

"So when does Mr arro-...I mean Mr Adamson get in" she smiles at my an spoken words "He gets in at 8am so make sure you have his coffee and..." " bacon bagel"I finish for her "Right..." Before I could answer her the elevator dings and rushes back to the receptionist desk. "Good morning Mrs Sanders, is the big man in yet" a very tall 30 year old looking man with black hair asks her "Sorry Mr Sanders his not in yet" he husband, maybe "Great.." he walks around and starts kissing her passionately. Husband, definitely. Their so wrapped in their make out setion that they failed to notice me leaving to give them some well... privacy. Don't wanna see how far that can go.

I went down to the building coffee shop to pick up the need peace offerings. A black coffee two sugars and a bacon bagel. When I got back Navie was behind her desk and the man was no where to be seen. "Husband" I casually ask


"He seems nice" she smiles resting he head on her palms. "I didn't even introduce the two of you...but anyway you will be meeting in the duration of the day, his name is James Sanders, and he is the Managing director of IT, his super nerdy and sweet and perfection in his own dorky way" "You two look so in love I hope one day I have a love like that" she suddenly stands up "Tell you later show time" the elevator dings on que to relieve him. He is dressed in a black 2piece suit with a white shirt and black tie and a breefcase in hand looking rather dashing.

Fuck no distractions.

He walk over to us "Good morning Mr Adamson" Navie greets I how ever just stare at his light brown eyes could it have been him the guy that helped me He snaps his fingers in my face gaining my attention "Good morning Mrs Sanders, Ms Joseph" he walks in the direction of his office. Where is PA follows suit reading him his schedule.

"Ms Joseph" his PA calls me over

Navie gently nuggets my shoulder "Right..." As I entire his office he his already seated I hand him the offerings "Attentive, no fire, that's boring" he said giving me a smirk. This is going to be a long day.

I spend the whole morning running up and down making copies delivering papers to different departments and picking them up again. Had a brief conversation with James he is really sweet gave me a protein bar 'To keep you in good spirits' he said and that's what I needed. I place the signed papers on his desk. "Here you go IT, Marketing, Accounting and HR is still finishing up will have it to you by the end on the day" He dismissed me without a glance or glare in my direction.

"Aren't you going for lunch" navie asked on her way to the elevator "Can't Mr Adamson wants this file proof read before for a 'importsnt'meeting after lunch" she gives me a simpethetic smile "Will bring you back a sandwich kk" I just nod before she enters the elevator to a smiling james. They can't get enough of each other. Is sweet but sickening.

'Ms Joseph my office ' he comandes over the intercom on my desk.'aaaaahh what now'

"You called Sir..." He still has files in his hand "Are you done proofing the file" "Almost sir" "Almost is not done you should have been done" I swallow hard "Will get right on it...sir" I stand there taking deep breath so I don't push the stick futher up his ass.

"What you need a formal invitation to get started...." I back my self up before existing the office he roars one last comand "Make arrangements with my pilot for a flight tomorrow morning I leave to the Ceylon island, to check out the new location for the hotel" he looks up at me for the first time today "I will convey the message to you PA as soon as shes back from lunch, sir" I confidently say that all deflated when he gives me a blank expression "I asked you to do it, so do it"

I needed that to end so I just nodded. Went to the the cafeteria to find his PA so I could tell her about his spontaneous travel plans. "...I can't do it your his PA"  she takes a slirp of he coffee she is sitting with Navie and james "like I said he told you to do it I gave you the numbers you would need hotel, rented cars, and the pilots number as well" " Can't you just do it" " Listen sweetheart I like the paycheck am receiving so...No" turn out when he tells you to do something even jump of the side of a building you fucking do it. I finally build up the courage and made the calls needed "Sir the pilot as your flight lined up at 5am, Hotel cars will pick you up from the airport as well" I read him my notes "And here is the report am sir"

" hmmm" is all he said as sat back in his chair watching me with zero emotional reaction. He is so intimidating behind that desk. He just continue his work as I finish up and waves me out of his office once again.  I walk back out to find his PA sitting in her stop again giving me a simpethetic smile. Spending the rest of the day just correction spelling mistakes on documents for the big man and running errands for anyone that need a errands girl. Being an intern sucks balls.

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