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I didn't get any sleep my very erotic dream was a nightmare in descaise, stoped half way through so yeah now am sexually frustrated and I can't find my stupid vibrator. I get dressed in bage coloured cargo pants and a purple oversized t-shirt and some sneakers. Walked to the kitchen to gather my things for my morning classes just to find the man I have been trying to get a hold of sleeping peacefully on our sofa. So my petty ass did the most logical thing walked over to the fridge got ice cold water from it and dumped it over is sleeping figure. He jumped up frantically scanning the room in search of the source.

"Oh, your awake" I smile in his direction holding the jug at my side he wipes his face with his hands before annoyingly saying "Why?, Why?, Why?" He points to the jug at my side.

"Maybe because I have been calling and texting, leaving voice note after, voice note like a jealous ex girlfriend try to reach you for some sort of explanation as to why I was rushed out of your brothers place after a mistery man showed up that has the exact same eye colour as you and your brother..." his expression becomes unreadable he remains quite "...danny is he your brother to?" He reaches for me and sits me down on the single sofa then takes a seat infront of me on the coffee table.

"He is. My brother I mean, he is Aiden's twin brother eye colour is the one the we all inherited from my father. Both brothers aren't on very good speaking terms and I didn't want you in the middle of my family feud, am sorry I should have gotten back to you sooner but I just....mmmm, I was embarrassed" he apologized scratch the back of his head.

"Well...we all have our own embarrassing family shit so don't even overthink this ok buuuttt, you do still owe me a three course meal I didn't get to finish mine before I was so politely escorted out"

We smile at each other fondly "Done how about tonight" 

"Can't have a shit load of assignments that I need to handle rain check" he nods as I get up "hey by the way where is Aaru" "That witch left this morning early something about the 'fabric market" "Ooo...want some coffee?" "No thanks I have to get going my clothes suddenly got wet and I have glassed in 30 minutes"

"If an apology is what your chasing your never gonna be able to catch it not from these lips aleased"

"Can't blame a man for trying" he says before shutting the front door to leave.


"That's all for to day class make sure you hand in you assignments, late entities will automatically score a zero, please take into consideration that this count for HALF YOUR GRADE!" My lecture loudly sings as everyone rushes for the nearest exist.

"Hey... Ché" I lift my head to see Samuel one of my class mates he in 5'8 black hair a skinny built, fair in complaction, and cute shy dimples.

"Hey Sam, what's up?"
"Was just wandering if later...hhmm maybe we could grab some ice cream or catch a moving. That's if your not busy of course" he hopefully studders

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Can we reschedule Sam I just have alot of work I really have to catch up on my part time internship is kicking my ass" I give in a simpethetic look "Yeah... Y-yeah sounds good next time then" he smiles showing his cute little dimples and walks away.

"A little harsh don't you think" I look up to see Daniel smirking down at me "Do you know how long he has been practicing, building up courage to ask you out and if took to 5seconds to burst him beautiful hopefull bubble"

"You did this?"
"Me? No?"
"Not convinced, danny I don't need a date I need to get work done so please stop trying to set me up with randos"
"Sam is not a rando I remember you saying you liked his dimples...just last week" he through his hand over my shoulder as we walk out of class "plus he seems like a really sweet and honest right?"
"Stop.Now" I unwavering speak "fine be alone with your twelve cats"

Before I could Answer him I hear my name beginning called out.

"CHÉ, CHÉ, CHÉ, CHÉ" I stick out my arms to catch a stumbling Aaru
"OMG am so happy come with me now"
"Aaru what is going on?" She ignores me "You, don't follow" she tells danny before rushing away with my hand in hers.

She practically pushed me to the campus fashion studios cause I was never relauctant to got anywhere with zero information. The whole way there I was wondering, how someone in heel can walk that fast without falling or tripping? We stop out side the door where she took a deep breath and fixed her hair before pushing open the door and waving me in. I slowly walk in not knowing why the fuck i was across campus then my next class starts in 20 minutes.

"COME!" She navigate us through the crowd of students "Why are there so many people here?" We get to her station and she start explaining while cutting and doodling in her scetch book.

"There I was walking through the different fabrics in the store trying to find my next big idea, contemplating which colour combo I should use in this weeks power project..." she pauses for dramatic effect "...Right hand holds ash pleasing pink and left has street grey..."

"Streets grey"

"...yes I was in a bark place is morning just go with it please, so a 40 year old hippie looking guy walks up and he says 'combine and create' as first I thought he was of his meds..."

"Aaru I have class in 10 can you please skip to the end" she signs very loudly if I may add.

"Turns out he was he owner Richards Cort and he has a talent show case every other month and has personal invited me to create, show and tell"

"That is amazing...congrats but I still don't know why you kidnapped me all the way here"

"Because I forgot my measure tape on my way to you and I need your measurements so I could get started" she starts measuring my arms

"Yes that makes complete sense please continue"

"stop being dramatic, your my inspiration, my mose. I want to crease a my pieces for you. Shaped to fit you perfectly. In a way that makes you feel comfortable" my face clearly is scrunched up into confusion cause she gives me a reasuring smile before guilt tripping "...I mean if your comfortable with helping your best friend jump over this very critical mile stone into become one of the greats and make fashion history...then I would totally understand, but do not blame me if I end up living in your basement with 30 cats or something" I had no choice but to say yes. I mean the bitch is excaturating and I know it but this is important to her. I felt her after about a minute of jumping up and down.

Fuck I still have to model the cloths and I don't do well with crowds but I already said yes maybe I can get kidnapped by then.

Next thing I know I felt my self being yanked back just to collied this someones hard chased as a car zoomed by I much have been so was deep in thought to look were I was walking. I look up to my saviors eyes and I beautiful light brown orbs staring back at me giving me a very simpethetic look. We remained there for what felt like an eternity before my current surroundings draw me back.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Your really should look where you walk? You have a death wish or what?" He rant "I-I was just not paying a-attention but thank you, that would have ended horrible" I give a dry laugh which he mimicks "Not funny Ms fire, Not fucking funny at all" he walks of without another word. Leaving me there alone.

'What a gentleman'

A Warden's Chubby Obsession Where stories live. Discover now