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Author's POV:

" need to prioritize"

"Prioritize my ass your the only one that stans to gaining from us getting our priorities straight"

"Am just looking out for the well being of the prison and the benefactors"

"More like covering your own ass by giving up"

"They are convicted fallens whom your risking everything what? give them a second change"

"They are still human they deserve it...h-has your humanity gotten lost in greed your masking as advice"

"Can you not speak..."

"Orion listen I know your trying to do good by helping these people but the trustees want to pull their donations, 65.5% of them end up right back in here. The odds are not in your favor"

"...and the 35.5% that actually do want to change, that are changing"

"Collateral damage by the one's that don't"

"Maybe if we can brin-..."

"Enough" Orion raises from his chair after sitting in silence hearing both men bicker back and forth.

"We need to cut these unnecessary program you have implemented. If you still want them to have the 5star rated food your feeding them...."

"Stop excaturating"

"No funding no food, no gym equipment , water and electrical bills raise. Do you understand how this goes right? Not even with the backing of the  Adamson industry?"

"Set up a meeting with the bord and make sure everyone is present" Orion suddenly State firmly breaking his cogitative silence

"I strongly advise agai-..."

He slams his hands flat on his mihakani wood table making the to man slitly jump at his sadden out burst

Staring down Mr Palm an excecutives representative of the board Orion hand picked. How dare they turn on him. He calmly States "Set up a meeting with the board and make sure everyone is present" Mr Palms nods his head in agreement to afraid to dismiss the young warden.

"What are you planning to do?" Datum asks him who he completely ignors pulling out his phone.

"Charlie I need you to look into something for me"

"Of course anything for you man"

Mrs Victoria king datum wife enter to ask "hey... weirdo Mr Palms is asking for when he should schedule the  meeting-you scared the man so bad he doesn't want to re-entry your punishments chamber" a

"When will you get this done"

"Today you know that..."

" Great"

"Tomorrow morning at 8" he says to Mrs king

"Orit I'll let him know your highness" she says with a bord expression on her face.

He gives Datum a pointed look and he knows exactly what to controll.
"Honey shouldn't you be more polite to the man that sighs our pay checks" she just huffs out of frustration for her husband's prejudicial behavior stomps out of Orion's office.

A Warden's Chubby Obsession Where stories live. Discover now